Page 11 - BR October 2023 (1)
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October 2023                         October 2023
 investigate what we may be able to achieve. To date I have had one volunteer to   FROM THE AFFPUDDLE CHURCHWARDEN
 join the sub committee which is great but if we are serious about what we can do
 it will take a few more so please don’t sit back hoping others will do it, give it a go
 yourself.    Oktober Fest

 You don’t need to be a specialist in this field just something with a small amount of   September  had  some  summer  weather,  but  October  is  renowned  for  wintery
 spare time to maybe do a little bit of researching of projects suitable for the hall or   weather, perhaps heralding the Rugby season. But certainly, bringing shorter days
 maybe investigating potential funding sources but most of all just being a part of a   and earlier sunset. But worst of all the clocks go back at the end of the month.
 group of people who can get this conversation started. So please contact me if   Overnight we suddenly lose an hour of daylight.
 you’d  like  to  be  involved  and  let  see  what  we  can  achieve.  I  know  this  is
 something  the  parish  council  is  very  interested  in  and  I’m  sure  there’s  some   Well, you’re going to say that we don’t actually lose it because we gain the hour
 appetite  from  the  other  organisations  in  the  village  as  well  and  as  things  move   in the morning. Does that mean I have to get out of my lovely warm bed to reap
 forward it will be great to collaborate together and pool ideas to find a common   the daylight?
 way  forward.  The  hall  trustees  are  currently  looking  at  forming  a  sustainability
 policy which  will also form part of this work.   Well, I’m going to have to get out of bed nice and early to get on with all the
       jobs. Global  Warming or Climate Change have had  devastating effect already
 Looking forward  the village hall   on  some  countries,  but  here  in  Affpuddle  it  means  the  church  yard  grass  has
 Christmas  fayre  will  be  held  on     grown so vigorously that we have got two lawn mowers in for repair and the grass
 Sunday  3   December  and   has  certainly not stopped growing. I  am told that  when the  long term  average
 bookings  are  now  being  taken   ambient temperature drops below 10 C then the grass will stop growing. Brrr! That
 for those who would like a stall.   means I will start to use up the logs in the log store. Is your log store full up?
 Please  contact  Ali  Chorley  on   to   Have   you   had   your   boiler   serviced   and   your   chimney   swept?
 secure  your  stall.  There  will  be   But  some  vigorous  growth  has  been  to  our  benefit.  My  Rhubarb  has  been
 the usual festive treats of turkey   excellent this season. Having left the last stalks, I now have to cover the rhizomes
 and  stuffing  rolls,  mulled  wine   with mulch to protect them from the frost. The farmers have had a pretty good
 and  a  pre  Christmas  lucky  dip   season but they too will be busy getting everything ready for the winter.  So this
 for  the  children  along  with  a   time of the year is busy with a new school year, busy securing the harvest, busy
 raffle etc so don’t forget to mark on your Briantspuddle village shop calendar the   preparing for cold weather. Does that mean there is no time for fun?
 date and I guess for good measure add it to your phones as well.   I  don’t  know  but  if  you  popped  down  to  Swanage
                              between the 5  & 8  if you like Folk, or to Weymouth on
 There  is  also  a  sub  committee  coming  together  to  organise  next  years  open
 gardens event and further information will be coming along very soon here in the   14   if  you  like  beer,    or  put  a  Pumpkin  outside  on  the
 parish  magazine  and  on  the  community  website  as  well.  Plenty  to  keep  us  all   31 ,  don’t think you would be alone.
 going through the autumn and into next year.   Talking  of  being  alone,  do  you  have  any  neighbours
 Stuart Chorley  chairman, Contact details are Mobile 07818078191   who  are  not  going  to  look  forward  to  autumn?  If  you
                              cannot  cope  –  ask  for  help.  If  you  see  someone
 Email   struggling – offer to help. And another thing, you might
                              consider making plans for Christmas  (whoops, am I the
                              first  one  to  mention  Christmas?).  So  please,  no  matter
                              how  busy  you  are,  or  think you  are,  please  make  time
                              for your family, friends, and neighbours.
                                         Mike Menzies
                  Church Warden, Lay Worship Leader,   St Laurence Church, Affpuddle

 Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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