Page 13 - BR October 2023 (1)
P. 13

October 2023                         October 2023



       What’s on at Bere Heath Methodist Church
       in October

       By the time you read the Parish magazine we  will have
       held  our  Harvest    Festival  Weekend    which  was  on
       Saturday 30  & Sunday  1  October .  Dates for October are :
       Sunday 1  October  - Harvest Festival service at 2pm led by Rev John Yarrien &
       Peter Jenner .
       Saturday  7  October  - Coffee Morning  with Bring and Buy stall  from 10 – 12
       noon.  Tea, Coffee Juice & Cake available.  Children’s Activity table.  Please do
       come along and support the Coffee Morning as it is an important Fund raiser for
       us  which  helps  us  to  keep  the  Chapel  going.    Please  do  tell  your  friends  and
       neighbours. Look forward to seeing you.
        Saturday  21    October  -  Craft  and  Kids  afternoon  .  2-30pm  to 3.45pm.  Various
       crafts , some could be messy, games and fun.  Parents  can join in  and there is
       Tea/Coffee, Juice  and food . Its free but donations are welcome to cover costs.
       Sunday 5  November – Monthly  service led by our  Minister Rev John Yarrien at
       2pm. Holy Communion will be included in the Service . Tea/Coffee & Biscuits after
       the service. All welcome.
        With  best wishes from All at Bere Heath Methodist Chapel.
                      Peter Jenner – Lay Worker – Children and Families and Outreach.
 Photographs  of  all  these  winners  are  displayed  in  the  colour  centre  spread  on
 page 39.

             To all contributors to the Dates for your Diary

           As soon as you have planned your programmes for 2024, it would be really
         helpful if you could let me have the information as soon as possible.  This helps
        others know when key dates are booked.  It also helps me to set out this section in
          one fell swoop, rather than in bits and drabs over several months  -  it can be
         quite time consuming. Even if a session has not yet been finalised, it’s  better to
              have the date, time and venue, and the content can be added later.

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