Page 14 - BR October 2023 (1)
P. 14

October 2023                                                                        October 2023
       BISHOP’S LETTER                                                                      MILBORNE MOVIES

       Leaves on the line                                                                   The advertised film we shall be showing in Milborne
                                                                                            St Andrew Village Hall is as follows:
       October is one of those months when the leaves begin
       to  change  and  fall,  and  somewhat  comical  excuses
       come  into  conversations  about  why  things  don’t  work.                          Ticket to Paradise
       Leaves on the line may well be a technical problem for
       the  railways,  but  we  all  know  it  also  means,  somewhat                       Friday 20th October 2023 at 7.30pm
       ironically,  why  is  it  somethings  just  don’t  work  as  they
       should.                                                                              Village  Hall,  The  Causeway,  Milborne  St  Andrew
                                                                                            DT11 0JX
       There  are  often  leaves  on  the  line  in  the  life  of  the
       church.  Why  is  sometimes  things  just  don’t  work,                              Doors and bar open 7.00
       especially  when  we  rely  upon  the  grace  of  God  and                           Tickets  cost  £6,  which  includes  a  drink  or  an  ice-
       seek his will? One reason is because we can spend too                                cream
       much time doing, and making mistakes, and not enough
       time praying. This is not the rather immature prayer of simply asking for this or that   David and Georgia, two divorced parents who can't stand each other, head to
       the way we want them, but the deeper prayer of spending time with God and            Bali after their daughter, Lily, announces her plans to marry a local islander she
       being led by his still, small voice. So please do pray in October.                   just  met  while  on  holiday.  They  decide  to  put  aside  their  differences  and  work
                                                                                            together to stop the wedding, believing that doing so will keep Lily from making a
       We also suffer from our confusions and distractions because we place the leaves      dreadful mistake similar to their own.
       on  the  line  with  our  judgements  and  preconceptions,  our  rulemaking  and  our
       creating in our own image. Our track must always lead to Jesus and our mission to    Julia Roberts and George Clooney star with the backdrop of beautiful scenery in
       make him known.                                                                      this  lighthearted  romcom  story  —  what  else  could  you  want  from  Ticket  to
       October 4  is the day the worldwide church remembers St Francis. In his day, the
       church  wasn’t  working,  and  in  prayer,  his  vision  came  to  “Rebuild  my  Church”.
       This  was  to  be  achieved  by  simplicity  of  life,  by  generosity  to  others  and  total
       commitment to prayer. His focus was Jesus Christ.
       Recently, I was inspired by this vision again with a visit to Hilfield Friary in Dorset,
       and  the  licensing  of  a  new  Guardian.  Hilfield  welcomes  all;  do  visit  there
       (although you can’t get there by train).                                                                                    Elm Vintage Teas offers
                                                                                                                                  vintage tea party events.
       When our frustrations slow us down, we would do well to follow the example of
       Francis.                                                                                                                     All occasions catered for:
       Lord God,
       You made your church rich
       Through the poverty of blessed Francis:                                                                                    Wakes       Celebrations of life
       Help us like him not to trust in earthly things                                       Contact us:                       Christenings        Birthdays
       But to seek your heavenly gifts;                                                      Web -
       Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.                                                  Email -   Anniversaries    Weddings
                                                                                             Phone – 07368 976046
                                                                 +Stephen Sarum

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