Page 27 - oct2022
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October 2022                                                                        October 2022

       Highways can be found on the Dorset Council Planning Portal and accessed via
       the Dorset Council website.                                                         BERE REGIS HISTORY SOCIETY

       Parish Lengthsman                                                                    The Law of the Forest
                                                                                            Today Bere Regis is partially surrounded by woodland, on
       Most residents are aware that we are in the very fortunate position that we have     the  East,  South-East  and  to  some  extent  on  the  South.
       a Lengthsman but perhaps not many know what he actually does. So here is a           1,300 years ago we would have been totally surrounded
       breakdown of the work he undertook for the parish during August.
                                                                                            except  for  trackway-gaps  in  several  directions.  The  old-
       16 hours at the Cemetery keeping the grass and hedges neatly cut, clearing litter,   English word "voorst" became “forest” later and by about
       and maintaining the graves.                                                          780  AD  all  forests  in  England  were  "royal  woods".  The  hunting  rights  were
                                                                                            exclusively  for  the  king,  but  normal  management  of  the  timber  was  run  by
       9.5 hours clearing rights of way around the village.                                 foresters  allowing  extraction  of  timber  for  building  and  firewood  by  ordinary
       14.5 hours continuing the repairs to the various finger posts around the parish.     people.
       34.5 hours at the play area – undertaking maintenance of all the play equipment                             After the 1066 Norman invasion, England's woods were
       and repairing the boundary fence. Litter picking the area and carrying out weekly                           a  much  more  severe  place  and  Forest  Laws  were
       inspections.                                                                                                extended,  but  still  included  the  King's  hunting  rights.
                                                                                                                   Timber extraction over a diameter of 3-inches (76mm)
       9 hours clearing litter and fly tipping from around the parish, emptying litter bins                        was punished after trial in the swainmote courts, held
       and taking it to the tip.                                                                                   three  times  a  year  and  with  the  verderers  being  the
                                                                                                                   judges. Those cases were presented to the woodmote
       17  hours  maintaining  the  grass  verges  around  the  village,  the  Elder  Road  open                   which consisted  of the foresters  themselves,  and  held
       space and Souls Moor.                                                                                       every  40  days.  The  judgement,  however,  only  took

       11 hours clearing fallen trees and branches and removing the debris from around                             place  by  one  of  the  two  chief  justices  every  three
       the parish.                                                                                                 years.  A  typical  case  could  go  on  for  years  before
                                                                                                                   sentence  was  made.  Punishments  were  sometimes
       His duties vary depending on the time of year and what events or issues arise. Had                          horrific,  and  included  cutting  noses  or  ears  off  the
       we not got a Lengthsman, much of the work he does would have to be done by                                  guilty, or for certain offences the man having a hand
       Dorset  Council  or  volunteers.  This  means,  rather  than  have  someone  who  can                       cut off.
       respond instantly, any defect would have to be logged with Dorset Council and
       then could take over a month before anything was done.                               “Deer  Hunter”  by  Nichols  &   The  process  became  so  complicated  that  by  1216  it
                                                                                            Bentley, 1818          was  amongst  the  grievances  presented  to  King  John
                                                                                                                   and dealt with in the Magna Carta, but it had to wait

       Next Meeting                                                                         until 1217 with  Henry III's  forest  charter  where the rules  allowed purlieu,  and the
                                                                                            forest  rules  were  not  allowed  to  extend  outside  the  forest  itself,  which  often
       The next meeting will be held on Thursday 13  October 2022, commencing 7pm           happened.
       at the Drax Hall. If you wish to have an item added to the agenda for discussion,
       please contact the Clerk or a member of the Parish Council by the end of June.       Charles I revived the old forest laws to raise more income, but in 1640 his plans
                                                                                            were abolished back to the rules of 1623, and not long after that the old forest
                                  Amanda Crocker, Clerk to Bere Regis Parish Council        laws fell into complete disuse.
                                                                                            The Ancient Order of Foresters, which many villagers will remember had a Court
                                                                                            Prospect  at  Bere  Regis,  rose  out  of  "local  obscurity"  at  Leeds,  Yorkshire,  in  1834,
                                                                                            more as a social organisation than to impose forest law. By 1926 the Order had
                                                                                            3,438 branches (Courts) and about 600,000 members in the UK.
                                                                                                                                        John Pitfield, Projects Secretary

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