Page 26 - oct2022
P. 26

October 2022                         October 2022



 Just look inside to find the real man   You’ll find a little touch of the
 Look inside the words of the song   romantic
 You’ll see his footprints in the sand of   You’ll see the dream of the realist   Chairman:         07900 906278
 time   You’ll see hopes and pleas for the
 And then you’ll see just where we   future   Vice   Bryan   07969 770890
 belong.   You’ll realise man was born an   Chairman:  Benjafield
 Listen to the heartbeat of all mankind      Parish
 Listen to the notes in this melody   Look through the pages of history   Clerk:     Amanda   07855 396073
 The laughter and tears of generations   To find man of the twenty-first century
 And inside you’ll find the real you and   Hear his voice ringing through the   Websites: 
 me.   ages
    It’s echoed here in the hopes for you
 You will find a touch of the Anglo-Saxon,   and me.
 The Romans and the Normans too,      The  Parish  Council met  on  Thursday  8 Tth  September  2022 in the Drax Hall. Due to
       the  very  sad  news  of  the  death  of  HRH  Queen  Elizabeth  II,  the  meeting  was
 A little added dash from the Vikings   Eileen Richardson   restricted to only the most essential issues. A minute’s silence was observed at the
 And a bit of Ancient Brit, good and true.   start of the meeting. The next meeting will be held on Thursday 13  October 2022.
       Members of the press and public are welcome and there is a period for public
       participation  at  the  start.  If  you  are  unable  to  attend  but  wish  to  submit  a
       comment  or  question,  please  contact  the  Clerk  or  any  member  of  the  Parish
 Born with Music

    I was born with a dream in my heart   Co-option of a Parish Councillor
 I was born with music in my heart
 Music for a hundred songs   A dream that seemed to come from   The  Parish  Council  consists  of  eleven  councillors  but,  following  the  departure  of
 Words that someone may like to hear   If only all the world could live as one   Brenda  House,  we  currently  have  only  ten.  Due  to  the  circumstances  of  the
       meeting,  co-option  of  the  new  councillor  was  postponed  until  the  October
 Melodies that just drift along.   If the world could unite in love.   meeting. If you are over 18 years old, live or work in the parish and would like to
       make  a  difference  to  your  community,  you  might  like  to  consider  becoming  a
 I was born to listen to your song     I am one who loves music   councillor. If so, please contact the Clerk for further information.
 The sweet serenade of life   For me music makes the day start
 Music can soothe the savage heart   Music is an expression of love
 Could music put an end to strife?   I was born with music in my heart.   North Street Employment site

 I wonder if music could heal the wounds      Eileen Richardson   National Highways have requested the application is ‘not granted for a specific
 The scars of a thousand wars   period’  and  have  requested  more  detailed  information  is  supplied  by  the
       developer  before  they  make  their  final  decision  on  the  application.  In  the
 If music could release the love   meantime, the Parish Council has requested to be informed should any significant
 Locked away like treasure in store.   alteration  to  the  application  be  submitted.  The  full  response  from  National

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