Page 7 - br-oct-2021
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SMALL ADS                            October 2021
 October 2021
       encourages  collaborative  working  by  ensuring  that  benefices  in  the  north  and
   TREE SURGEONS      LOGS FOR SALE   Sharon Dobson   south are shaped for mission as well as for mutual support and fellowship.

 Felling/pruning/shredding/  Hard wood, soft wood   Handmade   There  is  a renewed sense of  working together  and  this includes  churchwardens
 chipping/logging   seasoned, kiln dried       and other parish officers.  And therefore whoever comes to fill this vacancy does
 35 years experience,    wood chip, bark chip,   Find out how I can help you   so at an exciting time.  I meet many people around who pray regularly for the Isle
 City & Guilds qualified, fully   Call or email for price and   transform the look of your   of Purbeck and mission and ministry there.
 insured,   availability   home.
 Tree Works Application on      Bespoke handmade curtains   The West Purbeck Benefice enjoys beautiful countryside, heathland, beaches and
 your behalf   Mike and Andrew   and alterations, Roman   a stunning coastline.  Many parts are filled with holiday makers during the summer
 Mike and Emma Lucy Menzies   THE ELM BRANCH   blinds, soft furnishings and   season (more so this year than ever before).   The benefice is varied and includes
 THE ELM BRANCH   Tel: 01929 471263    upholstery projects   Lulworth  and  Bovington  camps,  with  their  own  needs,  the  Dorset  Police
 Tel: 01929 471263    Mob: 07419312517       Headquarters  (with  its  own  chaplaincy  team)  and  a  number  of  schools.    The
 Mob: 07419312517    Email:   07960 459834   larger towns of Dorchester and Poole are within easy reach, as is the market town
 Email:   of Wareham. The railway station gives access to going further afield with links to   London Waterloo, Bournemouth and Weymouth.

    Carpet Fitter   Computer   Ministry in a rural location is always challenging and because of this the Diocese is
 Drax Hall   Problems?   wholeheartedly committed to it.  RuralHope is a development project supported
 Available for hire for private   P J Bushby       by  the  National  Church  to  encourage,  support  and  grow  the  rural  church.
       Strands  of  this  work  include  increasing  capacity  through  the  work  of  an

 parties or for regular    All aspects of carpet and   Email & internet support   archdeaconry  rural  field  officer,  resourcing  and  supporting  clergy  and  laity
 meetings.    vinyl fitting undertaken.     Wireless networking setup
  Large hall and smaller room   Domestic or commercial.     PC and Laptop repairs   through  projects,  events,  and  encouraging  people  to  move  into  rural  ministry
 are both available.  The    Your own materials fitted or   Virus and malware removal   through a development programme at Sarum College, and local placements.
 latter especially suitable for   home selection if preferred.     No call-out charge   If you would like to discuss the vacancy further please do not hesitate to contact
 children’s parties.  For    Helpful advice always    Over 20 years’ experience
 details of hiring charges etc.    available.  The complete    Call Alan on :   either the Venerable Antony MacRow-Wood, Archdeacon or myself.
    carpet and flooring service.   +Karen (01747 811960)       Archdeacon Antony(07775 574971)
 Contact Hall Secretary - Lyn      01929 480529
 Simmonds   01202 624684    07710 835905
 01929 471528

   Toes and Fingers   Claire Myers   Helen Rigler                  West
 Toe and finger nail   PILATES   HOLISTIC THERAPIST                Benefice
 cutting service in your   The Egdon Heath Practice                area
 own home   At Moreton Village Hall   Winfrith Newburgh
 Toe nail cutting £15   Monday mornings   Offering Reflexology,
 Finger nail cutting £12   9.15  - Intermediate   Massage, Reiki and
 Both treatments £18   Facials
    10.20  -  Gentle   Over 15 years experience
 Call Kay on
 01202 280492 or    01305 854720
 07968 290333   07766 691080

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