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October 2021                                                                        October 2021

       thinking of how resilient spiders have to be and reminded me of the rhyme Incy

       Wincy Spider:                                                                       DATES FOR
       Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the waterspout.
       Down came the rain and washed pour Incy out.                                                YOUR DIARY
       Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain.
       Incy Wincy Spider climbed up the spout again!                                       2022

       We used to sing it a lot with toddlers and preschool children, it has some lovely
       actions to go with it.                                                                    Floral Group                Autumn Leaves                  Twinning
       Anyway,  that  morning  there  were  cobwebs  everywhere  we  looked,  the  spiders       Women’s Institute       Pop in Place        Gardening Club
       had certainly been very busy.
       It’s two years since we moved into Bere Regis and as I reflect on that time much
       of it, of course, has been dominated by COVID 19.  I still feel I am getting to know             January
       this lovely community and then of course there are six other communities to get to
       know  too.    The  rhythm  of  life  is  certainly  changing  now,  as  there  are  less      12th   Egyptian Dance
       restrictions and we all decide what we will or will not do and how we do it safely.
       I’m sure like me, you are meeting up with more people and fitting more than one
       thing into your day.  We have all been ‘washed down the waterspout’ like Incy
       and are now having to slowly climb up again into the sunshine and we all need                    February
       resilience  to  keep  on  climbing  up.    As  I  was  reading  Daily  Prayer  one  day  last
       week, some of the words in Psalm 31 really struck me and have been very helpful.          16th   Joyce Grenfell

       ‘You have seen my affliction and known my soul in adversity.’ (From verse 7) ‘My
       trust is in you, O Lord; I say, ‘You are my God’ ’ (verse 14) ; The psalm ends with ‘Be
       strong  and  let  your  heart  take  courage,  all  you  who  wait  in  hope  for  the
       Lord.’  (verse  24).  These  words,  written  way  before  even  Jesus  was  born,  gave         March
       hope to a people who were asking for deliverance from their enemies. I believe
       that  even  now  in  the  Twenty-first  Century  these  words  are  still  just  as  relevant
       today.                                                                                    1st    Pancake Day
       Continue to take care,                                                                    16th   Jurassic Coast

       with blessings

       Benefice and Parish news                                                                  20th   Annual Meeting

       Harvest will be celebrated at Affpuddle and Bere Regis Churches on Sunday 3
       October.  Whilst we can’t enjoy a traditional Harvest Lunch or Supper, it will be so
       good to come together to thank God for all the good things we have.  In such a

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