Page 9 - br-oct-2021
P. 9

October 2021                         October 2021

       Our Team
       Incumbent (Full time, this post)

       The Incumbent, resident in Wool, has been working across the benefice, setting
       our  overall  plans  and  direction,  and  taking  pastoral  responsibility  for  Wool  and
       Bovington, discipleship and fiscal matters.
       Revd Sandra Williams, Associate Priest (half time post)

       Revd Sandra was licensed to the benefice in Bere Regis Church in October 2019.
       She  works  across  the  benefice  with  pastoral  responsibility  for  Bere  Regis  and
       Affpuddle.  Revd  Sandra  is  also  our  Benefice  Contact  for  Baptisms.  Special
       responsibilities: Schools and Children’s work.
       Revd Jenny Alidina, Associate Priest (usually self supporting) – currently
       serving as part‑time interim minister
       Revd  Jenny  generously  offered  to  work  with  us  in  2019.  She is  currently  working
       beyond  her  ideal  commitment  to  cover  the  Wool  Parish  pastorally  while
       continuing  as  our  Benefice  Contact  for  Weddings.  Special  responsibilities:
       Missional work across the benefice – currently Lay Worship Leaders Course follow
       up,  Supper  Church,  and  Café  Church  Services.  Jenny  is  currently  leading  the
       Alpha Course that started in February 2021.
       Associate Priest (House for duty) – VACANT
       This  post  is  resident  in  West  Lulworth  and  has  previously  taken  pastoral
 ARTSREACH   responsibility  for  the  area  of  the  Lulworths,  Winfrith  Newburgh,  and  Chaldon
       Revd Canon Keith Hugo (temporary cover)
 Back in Briantspuddle Village Hall This   Canon Keith, a retired priest from Poole, has kindly stepped in to take the Sunday
 Autumn   services in the Lulworths and to provide pastoral care during their vacancy.
 Artsreach  presents  the  acclaimed  contemporary  chamber
 quartet: SPINDLE ENSEMBLE    Lay ministries
 Venue: Briantspuddle Village Hall   Jenny Hunt (LLM, Wool)
 Date: Saturday 16  October at 7.30p.m.   Jenny  Hunt  is  based  in  Wool.  She  is  the  Benefice  Contact  for  Funerals.  Jenny
       shares in preaching, led some of our Church services pre-Covid, and is licensed to
 Ticket Price: Adult: £10 Child: £6 Family: £25   officiate in Holy Communion by Extension.
 Box  Office:  For  Tickets  Call  07788100273.  Tickets  also  available  online  at   John Matthews (LLM, Wool)
       John is active in a home group, shares in preaching, and generously gives his time
 Spindle Ensemble are a chamber quartet like no other, performing their own style   as organist when the church building is open.
 of  contemporary  classical  music,  combining  beautiful  melodies,  virtuoso
 musicianship, elements of folk and jazz with their unique line up: piano, marimba,
 vibraphone,  violin,  cello,  Celtic  harp  and  accordion.  Their  innovative  style  has
 gained them much praise and airplay on both BBC radio 3 and 6. The ensemble is

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