Page 10 - br-oct-2021
P. 10

October 2021                                                                        October 2021

       Lay Worship Leaders (Commissioned on 25  April 2021)                                 the B3390 and wider highways network as Dorset Council grit A and B roads.
                                                                                            The  Parish  Council  has  been  asked  to  consider  purchasing  grit  bins  and  locate
       Michael Menzies (Affpuddle)          Marion Barker (Wool)                            them around the Parish. These could be used by any residents to grit other roads.
                                                                                            Councillor Graham Lightfoot is preparing a plan suggesting possible locations for
       Pat Wharf (Bere Regis and Wool)      Peter Wharf (Bere Regis)                        these  so  that  the  highways  authority  can  be  consulted  for  an  opinion  and
                                                                                            decision  on  whether  the  locations  would  be  classed  as  “community”  or
                                                                                            “strategic”.  Dorset  Council  funding  depends  on  this  categorisation.    Dorset
       Sue Marsh (Lulworths and Wool)       Giles Marsh (Lulworths and Wool)
                                                                                            Council  fill  all  grit  bins  at  the  beginning  of  the  winter  season  but  will  only  keep
                                                                                            strategic bins topped up for free. The Parish Council would be expected to pay to
       Sarah Welton (Bere Regis)                                                            refill any community grit bins.

       Lay Pastoral Assistants in post                                                      The  Parish  Council  will  discuss  this  again  once  a  draft  plan  is  ready  for
                                                                                            consideration and public consultation.

       Gren Irwin (Wool)                    Erica Moriarty (Affpuddle)
                                                                                            Dog Fouling
       Pauline Matthews (Wool)              Penny Haigh (Affpuddle)                         Parish  Councillors  have  been  made
                                                                                            aware of a particular issue concerning
                                                                                            dog  fouling  along  footpaths  in  the
       Paul Pinnock (East Lulworth)         Ted Cox (Bere Regis)                            parish  as  well  as  along  verges  and
                                                                                            roadsides.  Dog  fouling  laws  are  in
                                                                                            place  because  dog  faeces  are  not
       Further information on the future challenges for the Benefice, the Worship Pattern   only unsightly and unpleasant but also
       and some interesting facts on what has been learnt during the Covid 19 times will    represent  a  serious  health  hazard.
       follow  next  month,  as  well  as  items  on  Working  with  Children  and  Families  and   More  information  is  available  on  the
       Working with Older People which will be of particular interest for people in those   Community  website  under  Council
       categories.                                                                          Notices  but  dog  owners  should  be
                                                                                            aware that the Clean Neighbourhoods
                                                                                            and Environment Act 2005 allows local
                                                                                            authorities and communities to create bylaws relating to dog mess and issue dog
       SANCTUARY FLOWER GUILD 2021                                                          control orders against individual owners for offences including allowing their dog
                                                                                            to foul in a public space. Councils can issue fixed penalty orders and serious cases
                                                                                            can result in prosecution.
       October                                November
                                                                                            For the Parish Council to work most effectively with the Dog Warden to improve
       3rd             Harvest Festival                                                     the situation, it is helpful for reports to be passed directly to the Dog Warden.  It is
                                              7th             Mrs Clifford                  unlikely that the Dog Warden will act if evidence of the problems has not been
                                                                                            logged  on  Dorset  Council’s  website.    If  you  come  across  dog  fouling,  the  best
       10th            Arrangers Please
                       check your own         14th            Remembrance                   place to log the incident is through the Dorset Council website:
       17th            Mrs Close                                                            service.aspx
                                                                                                                                                 Sue Jones, Chairman
       24th            Mrs Close
                                              28th            1st Sunday of
       31st            Mrs Clifford                           Advent

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