Page 16 - br-oct-2021
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October 2021                                                                        October 2021
       today work every day, if not at their regular job, then doing other tasks, and so
       their bodies never get a proper rest, just a change of work!                           MILBORNE MOVIES
       In  the  Bible  it  is  one  of  the  ten  commandments  that  says,  “Remember  the
       Sabbath day, (Sunday to us) to keep it holy, (set apart for God).  In it you shall not   Friday Oct 8th at 7.30pm, at the Village
       do  any  work,  nor  your  family  or  employees  or  your  animals.”      Everybody  and   Hall, The Causeway, Milborne St Andrew
       every animal was to have a rest.  Exodus 20:8-11                                    DT11 0JX.
       God goes on to say “For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the    Doors and bar open 7.00
       sea and all that is in them, but He rested on the seventh day.”
                                                                                           Tickets  cost  £5,  which  includes  a  drink  or  an
       So the principle of having one day off in every seven was built into the universe   icecream (Contactless payment preferred)
       from the beginning and we are programmed to function at our best, and to stay
       healthy, when we do the same.                                                       Blinded By The Light
       The  more  scientists  find  out  about  our  bodies  the  more  amazing  they  are.    It  is   This film, which came out in 2019, is inspired by
       thought  that  we  have  about  37  trillion cells  in  our  bodies,  but  it  is  impossible  to   the  book  about  his  childhood  written  by  the
       count  them  all.  There  are  fewer  cells  in  diseased  organs.    “Some  34  trillion  cells    journalist,Sarfraz  Manzoor.  It  is  directed  by
       cooperate for decades, giving rise to a single human body, instead of a chaotic     Gurinder  Chadha,  who  gave  us  Bend  It  Like
       war  of  selfish  microbes.”    (National  Geographic  Magazine)    It  is  impossible  for   Beckham.
       bodies of such complexity to have come about by chance,  we each prove that
       there is  a Creator  who planned and  made  our  bodies.     Our  Creator  God,  not   Javed is a Pakistani teenager who experiences
       only made us, but He cares about us, and knows us, whatever may be happening        racial  and  economic  turmoil  while  living  in  Luton,  England,  in  1987.  He  writes
       to us.   He loves us, and wants us to turn to Him, so that we can get to know Him   poetry  as  a  way  to  escape  the intolerance  of  his  hometown  and  the  stubborn
       too.  Psalm 139 talks about how God knows all about us, verse 14 says, “I praise    views of his traditional father.  When a classmate introduces him to the  music of
       you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, Your works are wonderful.”  If     Bruce Springsteen, Javed sees parallels between the singer's powerful lyrics and
       you have a Bible read the whole Psalm (it is in the middle of the Bible), you will be   his  own  life  and  working-class  environment.  Springsteen's  melodies  soon  inspire
       encouraged.    Think  about  the different  parts  of your  body  and  how  everything   Javed to find his own voice and follow his dreams.
       works together.  You are a walking miracle!  Much loved by your Creator.

       Just a Smile
       From Motor Insurance claim forms
       “The  driver  in  front  swerved  to  avoid  a  squirrel.    The  squirrel  and  the  driver  ran   BERE REGIS
       away.”                                                                               SURGERY NEWS
        “I  pulled  away  from  the  side  of  the  road,  glanced  at  my  mother-in-law  and   Our flu clinics are now available to
       headed over the embankment.”
                                                                                            book  by  ringing  Reception  on
                                                                                            01929 471268.  We are returning to
                                                                                            the  3  venues  we  used  last  year,
       Father:  Well Tom, what did you learn on your first day at school?                   Bere Regis Scout Hut, Briantspuddle
       Tom:          I  learnt  that  the  other  boys  get  pocket  money  from  their  dads  every   and  Winterborne  Kingston  village
       Friday!                                                                              halls.
                                                                   Joyce Healey             The vaccination is available to all patients 50 years and over plus those
                                                                                            with long term conditions.

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