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October 2018                                                                        October 2018
                                                                                            BERE REGIS WILDLIFE AND

        An Evening with Local Band Rapport                                                  ENVIRONMENT GROUP
        Saturday 13  October 7.30pm at the Drax
                                                                                           Autumn and the season of morning mists and  mellow
        Come along to this great night out within the village the                          fruitfulness is now upon us. We can take pleasure in the
        Tickets are £5 each bring your own drinks and nibbles during the evening the Pop   rich  colours  of  ripe  haws,  hips  and  other  fruit  in  the
        In Place Awards will be presented.                                                 hedgerows (a valuable food source for birds over the
                                                                                           coming  months)  and  the  changing  colours  of  leaves
        All welcome to book a ticket telephone 01929 472023                                before  they  fall.  Another  feature  of  Autumn  is  the
                                                                                           emergence  of  a  range  of  fungi  –  take  a  look  to  see  what  you  can  find  on

                                                                                           woodland floors, on trees and dead wood. But, be aware - some are poisonous –
        Thank you to everyone who supported the Bere Regis                                                                          so, leave well alone. The photo is of
        Alzheimer’s Society Memory Walk                                                                                             some bright red elf cup fungi found
                                                                                                                                    in the wooded area alongside Bere

        Thank you to everyone who supported the Macmillan Coffee
        More on both of these events to follow.                                                                                     Join Us on our
                                                                                                                                    Conservation Working

        Movement to Music at the Pop In Place on Monday Mornings
        (Upper Hall )                                                                                                               Our first Conservation Working Party
                                                                                                                                    of  the  Autumn  season  will  be  held
        We are a friendly group meeting Mondays 9.30am for 40 minutes; it is for anyone                                             on  the  morning  of  Saturday  6th
        who wants to take a little more exercise but is not mega fit. The sessions will be led   October. We will meet at the bridge near to the Scout Hut, Elder Road at 10am.
        by one of our team with choreography background and designed especially for        We normally finish about 12.30.
        this client group with suitable music and movement.
                                                                                           Our  main  task  will  be  to  carry  out  some  scrub  clearance  in  the  wooded  areas
        We are asking for a £3 fee per person per week.. You are very welcome to visit     alongside the stream. This work is carried out on a rotation over three / four years. It
        the Pop In Place Community Café after the class for refreshments.                  allows  light  to  reach  the  woodland  floor  and  for  a  wider  variety  of  wild  flower
                                                                                           plants to flourish. With support and guidance from Dorset Wildlife Trust, our work is
        Come along and give it a try, you will be made very welcome.
                                                                                           helping to conserve the best of what is already there and make the stream and its
                                                                                           environs  even  more  wildlife  friendly.  Our  work  over  past  years  has  certainly

        Pop In Place                                                                       enhanced the riverside area for plants, birds and animals.
        Community Café                                                                     Please come and join us. Many hands make for light work; all are welcome (under
                                                                                           16s  should  be  accompanied  by  an  adult).  No  experience  is  required,  there’s  a
        There is a warm welcome for all                                                    friendly crowd,  it is  great  fun  and  good  exercise  too! If  you  have  some  clippers,
        at the Pop In Place Community                                                      loppers or a hand saw please bring them with you. If not, don’t worry – we’ll have
        Café we operate the café’s on                                                      some spares.
        Monday  and  Friday  mornings
        10am  until  12  noon.  On  the                                                    Dates for other Conservation Work Parties in 2018 are Saturday 3rd November and
        Friday  we  have  Bere  Regis                                                      Saturday 1st December.
        Watercress  at  50p  a  bunch

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