Page 28 - br-october-2018
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October 2018                                                                        October 2018
       DRAX HALL
                                                                                            returning some fantastic scores which proves that the standard of golf within the
       Thank You                                                                            ROGS is going from strength to strength (in most cases!!).  In 3  position was our
                                                                                            resident  gun  slinger  Mark  “No  Bum”  Clapcott  with  36  points,  in  second  position
       Thank you to Liz Farley who is tending the flowers outside                           was Kris “Mukka” Meehan with 37 points, and the winner for the day that needs a
       the hall and keeping them watered.                                                   special mention as he is the first person in ROGS 20 year history to shot an under
       Also thanks to Lyn Simmonds for handling bookings and to                             par round, Julian Flower off of a handicap of 1 scored a jaw dropping 39 points
       Karen  and  Philip  Boreham  for  handing  the  hall  finances.   HALL               which was 2 under par…..awesome golfing!!
       All  these  roles  are  voluntary  and  take  up  people’s  own                      The nearest the pins were won by Julian Flower (4 inches away) and Roger Johns,
       time  - we appreciate your contributions.
                                                                                            nearest  the  pin  in  2  was  again  won  by  Harry  Smith  (drover  the  green  again!)
                                                                                            Lastly the longest drive competition was won by “Mukka” Meehan!

       Photos of events at the hall                                                         There  were  two  5’s,  scored  on  the  day,  by  Julian  Flower,  Graeme  Price,  Ian
                                                                                            Spalding, Martin Debenham & a guest Neil Roff!
       I am opening a folder for photos that support our case for a new hall, if you take
       anything  at  an  event  that  would  be  useful  within  an  application  for  funding   The monthly raffle and blob money with the ROGS generosity raised a fantastic
       please email it to me                                           £150  for  the  Captain’s  Charities  of  Diabetes  UK  and  Epilepsy  taking  the  figure
                                                                                            nearer the £2500 mark!

       There is a Public Access Defibrillator outside the Village Hall                      I  look  forward  to  seeing  you  all  at  the  next  ROGS  game  at  Rushmore  GC  on
                                                                                            September 28th  first tee off 12pm.
       It is very straight forward to use and you are talked through the process as you go.
                                                                                                                                                        Captain Tiny
       There is a short film clip on You Tube by the British Heart Foundation  that shows
       exactly how to do it DON’T BE AFRAID anyone can do it, and remember  the worst
       thing you can do when someone’s heart stops is nothing !
                                                                                             BERE REGIS MOT and SERVICE             If you are missing out because

       Village Hall Hiring                                                                               CENTRE                     of back or neck pain or injury
                                                                                                    TEL: 01929 472205
       The village hall has two options for hire the large upper Hall at £8 per hour and the              MOTs                             get in touch with
       Lower room at £7 per hour please telephone Lyn Simmonds on 01929 471528 to
                                                                                              (No Re-Test Fee within 10 working days)
       discuss your requirements and view the facilities available.

                                                                  Alison Bennett                        REPAIRS
                                                                                                  BRAKES * EXHAUSTS
         BERE REGIS FLORAL GROUP                                                                                                      for FREE advice, or see our
                                                                                                COMPUTERISED DIAGNOSTICS          website for tips and exercises for
                                                                                                   LATEST EQUIPMENT FOR
                                                                                                                                       many common injuries.
                                                                                                  MOST MAKES AND MODELS
                                                                                                                                  And if you want to come and see
                                                                                              OVER 30 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE            us, there's an amazing £15 off
                          The  next  meeting  of  Bere  Regis  Floral  Group  will  be  on       IN THE MOTOR TRADE
                          Tuesday October 9  at 2pm in Winterborne Kingston village                                                  your first session with this

                          hall.    It  is  to  be  a  workshop  tutored  by  Annette  Parker.       Proprietor: Bill Greer                 advert.  (BRAF)
                          Visitors and new members are always welcome.  If you are
                                                                                                   Unit 1 Townsend Business Park        Call 01305 757101
                          interested and would like details of what to bring along to                 Bere Regis, BH20 7LA
        take part in the workshop, contact secretary Sue Stone on 01929 471083.                    (At rear of Shell Petrol Station)     or visit our website

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