Page 26 - br-october-2018
P. 26

October 2018                                                                        October 2018

                                             Thank  you  for  supporting  the  Bere

                                             Regis  Alzheimers  Society  Memory
                                             walk we had a lovely walk in the late
                                             summer  sunshine,  followed  by
                                             fantastic  home  made  cakes  and
                                             coffee  listening  to  the  Durnovaria
                                             S  i  l  v  e  r     B  a  n  d  .
                                             We have raised the profile for people
                                             living  with  dementia  and  also  raised
                                             £809.85  for  the  vital  work  of  the

       Alzheimer's  Society.  Well  done  to
       everyone  who  walked  for  a  world
       without  dementia  and  thank  you
       to  everyone  who  donated  raffle
       prizes  or  baked  cakes.  Special
       thanks to all the Pop In Place team
       who helped at this event PIP at its
       very best .....great result !

                                                                    New Group
                                                                Tuesdays 7.30pm
                                                                    Call Jenn on
                                                                07960 6545630

                                                                      Bere Regis
                                                                     Sports Club
              Puddletown First School   Mondays 7.30pm                  North St
                                                                      Bere Regis
            Dorchester Road             Call Julie on
            Puddletown               07871 821928

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