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October 2018                         October 2018

                                      THE PARISHES of BERE REGIS and
 DATES FOR                          AFFPUDDLE with TURNERSPUDDLE

    YOUR DIARY                              Reverend Canon Charles Masheder
                                         The Vicarage,  West Street, Bere Regis,

 2018                                                                BH20 7HQ
                                                                 01929 472883

 14th   Pop in Performers Christmas Show      7.00pm
 15th   Pop in Performers Christmas Show      2.00pm            Our Mission:
 17th   Pop in Place Christmas Party, Lower Hall      2.00pm   To encourage awareness of the
 19th   WI, Christmas Festivities             presence of God through worship
                                                            music and the arts;

                                                 To encourage everyone in the
                                               Christian faith through example,
                                                  learning and spiritual growth;
        Our Vision:
        To make Christ’s love                  To make our churches open and
        known in the world today            welcoming to all, and supportive of
        and to live out his teaching                            those in need;

                                            To challenge injustice at home and
       A LETTER FROM                       abroad and to balance our care for
                                                              the environment.

       My dear Friends,
       Well what have you been hearing about the future of our parishes? I thought it
       was about time for me to spell out clearly what is likely to happen!! In every village
       community that I have known, from my childhood onwards, rumours have had a
       wonderful  way  of  circulating  what  in  modern  parlance  is  ‘fake  news’....well
       sometimes it is just only a little off-beat.

       I was appointed in 2015 to a new role as Priest-in-Charge of the two parishes as
       what  is  called  ‘House-for-Duty  Priest’  and  expected  to  ‘work’  Sundays  and  two
       days a week. That means my ‘payment’ is the use of the beautiful house called
       The Vicarage but apart from that, there is no financial ‘payment’. I have found
       such part-time arrangement impossible having worked full-time for so many years
       but I also uncovered the reality that it wouldn’t probably work for anyone.

       The Proposal, supported by both our PCCs  is that our two parishes will be linked

           Church website:  www.bereregiswith

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