Page 9 - Bere Regis November 2023
P. 9

November 2023                       November 2023

       Many  readers  may  not  be
       aware that in the church (next
       to the Junior Church area) is a
       book  recording  the  names  of
       parishioners  who  have  passed
       away.    PCC  member,  Jackie
       Percy   had   some   visitors
       recently   who    were   so
       delighted  to  be  able  to  see
       their   grandfather’s   name
       inscribed in the book.
       Should  you  wish  to  record  the
       memory of a loved one, please
       contact  Sarah  Welton,  Church
       Warden,  or  Jackie  for  further

 100 Plus club

 October prize number    - 26

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