Page 13 - Bere Regis November 2023
P. 13

November 2023                       November 2023





 Sadly, the October article did not reach me, so it’s
 now included here  -  Ed.
 Running  the  Shop  and  Post  Office  is  very  much  a
 team  effort.  Many  people  donate  their  time  and  effort  to  keeping  the  wheels
 turning – far too many people to mention individually but our thanks go to all of
 them. We could always do with more help and our current needs include:
 One  or  two  people  to  join  the  team  which
    receives the Sainsbury’s delivery. We usually
 have one delivery a week on a Thursday or
 Friday  at  some  time  in  the  afternoon.  Two
 people meet the delivery and then one puts
 the  goods  away  whilst  the  other  inputs  the
 stock  data  on  the  shop’s  system.  This  all
 generally  takes  about  an  hour  and  a  half
 depending on the size of the order and you
 might  be  called  on  once  every  two  weeks
 depending on the availability of others in the
 Someone  to  collect  the  fruit  and  veg  from  Dorchester  market  on  Wednesday
 mornings.  This  would  suit  early  risers  as  you  need  to  be  at  the  market  about
 8.00am in order to get the produce back to the shop and set out before the shop
 opens  at  9.00am.  Again,  you  might  be
 asked to do this every other week.

 One  person  to  join  the  newspaper
 collection team. This means being at Spar
 in   Puddletown   about   8.30am   and
 delivering the papers to the shop before
 it  opens  at  9.00am.  You  would  have  a
 regular day each week.
 If  you  think  you  could  help  with  any  of
 these jobs please get in touch with us at

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