Page 12 - Bere Regis November 2023
P. 12

November 2023                                                                       November 2023
       FROM THE AFFPUDDLE CHURCHWARDEN                                                                                           the  shop  on  01929  472000,  e-m
                                                                                                                                 pop in and see us. Our opening hours
       Michelangelo & the Sistine Chapel                                                                                         are:
       I am staggered by the excellence of the painting by Michelangelo in the Sistine                                           Shop:  9am  –  12  noon  Monday  to
       Chapel.  But  he  did  us  no  favours.  He  has  portrayed  God,  the  Father,  as  a                                    Saturday  and  10am  –  12  noon  on
       bearded  elderly  gentleman  sitting  in  the  clouds,  surrounded  by  nymphs  and                                       Sunday.
       cherubs.                                                                                                                  PO: 9am – 12 noon Monday – Friday.

                                                                                                                                 It  is  your  shop,  so  please  support  it,
                                                                                                                                 either  as  a  customer,  or  a  volunteer,
                                                                                                                                 preferably both!
                                                                                                                                 The  2024  Calendars  are  now  in  the
                                                                                                                                 shop.  The  price  is  £6.00  (including  an
                                                                                                                                 envelope).  The  calendar  uses  lovely
                                                                                                                                 and  varied  pictures  produced  by
                                                                                                                                 many  of  our  local  artists  –  please
                                                                                                                                 come  and  have a  look  and  buy  one
                                                                                           ….or even two. All the proceeds go to the shop.

                                                                                           It’s time to be thinking about Christmas! We will let you know about what services
                                                                                           we can offer in the December newsletter. There is information concerning the last

                                                                                           posting dates for items going abroad in the PO now or see
       Christ is lounging on the mountain top, and He and God are “in touch”.  All the     last-posting-dates.
       stories in the New Testament tell how Christ used the power of God to achieve
       miracles. But if you go back to the first few chapters of Genesis, and you study a   Our  customers  come  to  us  by  means  of  various
       few scientific books explaining the origin of matter, the stars, and the size of the   forms of transport – on foot, by car, on a bike. Gill
       universe, there is a conflict. The scientists will tell you it didn’t actually happen like   has  recently  taken  to  coming  with  Dusty;  we  are
       that. They tell us that there was a big bang 14 billion years ago when all matter in   used to dogs waiting outside but a pony was quite
       the  universe was in  one  dense  lump. The nature  of  atomic  forces  meant  that  it   a surprise. Dusty likes the grass by the shop and is
       exploded blowing matter in all directions with velocities even almost the speed of   partial to Polo mints.
       light.                                                                              Have  you  run  out  of  reading  matter?  We  have  a
       But what has this got to do with Michelangelo? - His painting has suggested what    box  in  the  shop  which  has  a  variety  of  donated
       form God takes but so many of us don’t believe that this bearded gentleman is a     magazines  for  you  to  borrow.  The  box  is
       true representation of whatever created life, the universe and everything. In that   ‘harvested’ regularly so shouldn’t contain anything
       case, who, or what, did create everything? I haven’t heard a satisfactory answer    too old. So come and have a rummage! Donations
       to that question, so, whatever it was one could just give it a name, such as ‘God’.   of  used  magazines,  on  (virtually)  any  topic,  are
       What else  can ‘God’ do?  Well,  in  the Bible,  God  is  attributed  to creating other   most welcome.
       phenomena  such  as  genetics,  and  even  the  difference  between  right  and     It  is  your  shop,  so  please  support  it,  either  as  a
       wrong. Whatever it is that tells you what is right could be considered as one of the   customer, or a volunteer, preferably both!
       apparitions of God. So, if you are a non-believer, don’t just say “I don’t believe in
       God” but rather “my image of God is somewhat different from yours”.

                                    Mike Menzies
            Church Warden,   Lay Worship Leader,    St Laurence Church, Affpuddle          Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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