Page 4 - Bere Regis November 2023
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November 2023                                                                       November 2023

       without  them.  But  on  its
       own a thumb can do very                                                                                 CHURCH AND VILLAGE
       little.  Perhaps  a  signal  –
       thumbs up – but little else.                                                         ACTIVITIES, SOCIETIES, CLUBS, ASSOCIATIONS and CONTACTS
       Our   thumbs   work   in
       conjunction   with   our
       hands  and  the  rest  of  our                                                      Association  Contact  Tel       Address       E-mail    Meetings/Info
       Similarly, we who bear the
       imprint of God cannot act                                                           Neighbour Car   Brenda House   01929          stockelyfarmpa  Community run transport
       alone.  We  need  each                                                                                                            om
       other,  and  function  much
       better  as  a  community                                                            Pop in Place   Alison Bennett   472023   3 Rye Hill Close   popinplace@g  Weekly.  Village Hall
                                                                                                                                                   Friday mornings
                                                                                                                           BH20 7LU
       working   together    in                                                                                                                    10.00  -  12.00
       harmony.    At  this  time  of  year  in  particular,  we’re  reminded  of  what  happens   Bere Regis Pre-School      471334   Southbrook   preschool@ber  Providing care and education
       when we don’t work in harmony at our Remembrance Services.  And as we reflect       ‘Pebbles’                       Bere Regis  for children from 2 to 8 years,
                                                                                                                                                   including breakfast club from
       on the news coming out of various places in the world, we know how much better                                      BH20 7DB      7.45 a.m. and after-school club
       our world would be if we all lived in harmony and peace.                                                                                    until 5 p.m.
                                                                                           Salt and Pepper Lunch   Brenda House   01929      stockelyfarmpa  Monthly, Scout Hut, 3rd
       Here, in our little part of the world, there will be opportunities to come together to   Club                 471255              rtners@gmail.c  Thursday. 12.30p.m.
       remember those we’ve loved and lost and those for whom we are grateful for our                                                    om
                                                                                           Twinning Association   Jackie Ahern   07876      Jackie.ahern@  Meetings and events
       As our world becomes an increasingly more volatile place these times of solidarity                            577012       arranged as and when.
       seem  more  and  more  important  and  more  necessary  to  remind  ourselves  that
       God  is  in  the  middle  of  this  messy  world  with  us.    Maybe  mixed  in  with  the   W.I. (Bere Regis)   Mrs Dian Pitts   471322      pitts.dian   Monthly, Bere Regis Sports
       remembering and the thanksgiving we should add hope, hope that one day all                                                 Club
       humanity will, as Jesus commanded, ‘Love God and love one another’ and in that                                                              3rd Wednesday @ 7.30 pm
       way we will truly show the imprint of God and not just carry it.                    Sanctuary Flower Guild  Mrs Diane   472331      edmonds473@
                                                                                           (church flower   Edmonds            
       With blessings, Sandra                                                              arrangers)
                                                                                           Sociable Bookworms   Mrs Christine            chris.whit@hot  4th Wednesday
                                                                                                                                                   7.15pm at the Royal Oak
        CHURCH CLEANING ROTA                                                               Hedgehogs  -  support,   Mrs Sue Aldous   07720         Bere Regis’ resident expert
                                                                                           advice and rescue
                                                                                                                                                   on all things hedgehog
        23 October - 5   Ian Ventham                                                       First Thursday Club   Sylvia Bayliss   472697      sbayliss194@ou  1st Thursday at 2.30pm at
        November 2023    Diana Ventham                                                     (Autumn Leaves)                        the Scout Hut
                                                                                                          Sue Stone   472083             susan97stone@
        6 November - 19   Nancy Gibson                                                     Bere Regis     Kim Benjafield   471170   6 Bitchams Mead   kimbenjy@yah  Fortnightly trips to place of
        November 2023    Sue Steggals                                                      Communibus                             interest for sightseeing and
        20 November - 3   Bernie Lightfoot
        December 2023    Vikki Mayo

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