Page 66 - Bere Regis November 2023
P. 66

November 2023                                                                       November 2023
       with rising temperatures, we won’t need so much heating. So we won’t need so
       much  heating.?  Ha  ha.  With  electric  vehicles  we  won’t  have  to  use  petrol  and   OTHER CHURCHES NEWS
       diesel, which is not only burnt in the major number of our vehicles but also has to
       be  used  producing  it from  crude  oil  and  its  transportation  throughout  the  world   BERE HEATH METHODIST
       from  oil  wells  to  point  of  purchase  for  every  day  use.  Why  aren’t  we  producing
       more  electricity  from  wind  power,  tidal  power  and  river  flow?  These  are  natural   CHAPEL
       sources and we have them to hand, here in our own country and seas.
       As I write this on the afternoon of the thirteenth of October, the temperature is in   What’s on at Bere Heath Methodist Church in November
       the late teens and it is absolutely teeming down with rain. Are we in fact going to
       end up with a tropical climate, here in the U.K. Just think we could soon be adding   Well  that’s  Summer  gone  and  now  we  are  in    Autumn
       rice to our farming crops!                                                          with is vibrance  of Colour which make the darker nights
                                                                                           more bearable .  Our harvest Service went well and  the
       It is odd the way things change in the world today. I have just read that it should   Coffee  morning  we  had  on  7   October  made  £130
       now be time to be organic gardeners and farmers. We  must give up the use of        which is really good as not many came to it.  So what’s on in November .
       inorganic sprays and fertilisers on our farms and gardens and instead use biology
       instead of chemical systems and activities. We add to our farms and gardens, lime   Sunday  5   November    -  Our  monthly  Service  2pm  will  be  led  by  Rev  Ruth
       to  correct  soil  acidity,  chemical  fertilisers  containing  nitrates,  phosphates  and   Lownsbrough who is one of our Circuit Ministers .  Refreshments after the Service.
       potassium  and  weed  killers  of  numerous  chemical  formulae.  Some  if  not  most   All are welcome.
       have long lasting effects, especially the herbicides. This, bearing in mind that our    Saturday 18  November  - Craft and Kids afternoon . 2-30pm to 3.45pm. Various
       soils contain arachaea, bacteria, algae, protozoa and a wide variety of larger soil   crafts , some could be messy, games and fun.  Parents  can join in  and there is
       fauna including springtails, mites, nematodes, earth-worms, ants and other insects   Tea/Coffee, Juice  and food . Its free but donations are welcome to cover costs.
       that  spend  all  or  part  of  their  life                                         We  will  also  have  a  range  of  Christmas  Cards  on  Sale.  (  Payment  Cash  /
       underground  with  some  fungi,  which                                              Cheque .) and tea  & Coffee available.
       are  large  components  of  the  soil.  (A
       Fortuna, 2012, The Soil Biota ) We have                                             Sunday 3  December - Monthly service at 2pm. All welcome.
       a  lot  to  learn  about  our  environment
       and  how  we  must  do  all  we  can  to                                            Have a good November .
       respect  it,  maintain  it  and  leave  the                                          With  best wishes from All at Bere Heath Methodist Chapel.
       world  a  better  place  for  the  future  of
       our  descendents.  We  are  responsible                                                            Peter Jenner – Lay Worker – Children and Families and Outreach.
       for our world now
       On  that  note  I  will  end  and  wish  you,
       your  farms,  gardens  and  all  public
       places a very happy future together.

       May God bless you All for reading this.                                                   To all contributors to the Dates for your Diary
                                                      Ted    Cox
                                                                                               As soon as you have planned your programmes for 2024, it would be really
                                                                                             helpful if you could let me have the information as soon as possible.  This helps
                                                                                            others know when key dates are booked.  It also helps me to set out this section in
                                                                                              one fell swoop, rather than in bits and drabs over several months  -  it can be
                                                                                             quite time consuming. Even if a session has not yet been finalised, it’s  better to
                                                                                                  have the date, time and venue, and the content can be added later.

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