Page 61 - Bere Regis November 2023
P. 61

November 2023                       November 2023

 People  sometimes  ask  where  their  taxes  are  spent,
 and what benefit they see. Central Government has
 awarded  Dorset  and  BCP  Councils  in  the  last  12
    £9.5 million to end rough sleeping by 2025.
    £3.7 million for repairing potholes over the next
 few years.
    £2 million in Rural England Prosperity Funding to
 support  local  businesses  and  create  jobs  to
 grow the rural economy.
    £7.4 million to combat drug and alcohol misuse.
    £1 million to restore and protect local peatlands.
    £670,000 to help older people and those with disabilities to live safely and
 independently in their own homes.
    £475,000 towards mental health provision.
    £120,000 to improve air quality.
    Over £1.5 million this year for buses
    More  funding  for  schools    -  both  for  increasing  teachers’  pay,  and  for
 building improvements.    SALT AND PEPPER   - THURSDAY 16TH NOVEMBER
 That’s  just  a  snapshot  of  how  some  of  your
    money is being invested in our area – on top of   On  19   October  nearly  50  people  enjoyed  a  delicious  home-made  lunch  of
 the  household  support  for  these  difficult  and
 unprecedented times.   Roast Pork followed by Sticky Toffee pudding and cheese and biscuits.
 Altogether,  Government  support  subsidised   On the menu for 16  November is Pumpkin Soup, Cottage Pie and Trifle for pud.
 around half of typical households' energy bills last   December’s lunch will be a full Christmas meal. We will be enjoying Roast Turkey
 winter, and over 13,000 households in Mid Dorset   with  cranberry  sauce,  pigs  in  blankets,  roast  potatoes  (and  you  won’t  be
 and  North  Poole  were  eligible  for  the  means-  excused sprouts)! The main course will be followed by Christmas pud and mince
 tested Cost of Living Payments. If you are eligible   pies, and all accompanied by a glass of wine.
 there are more Cost-of-Living payments to come
 – £300 in the autumn and £299 in the spring.       Vegetarian  and  gluten  free  options  are  always
                                  available if we have prior notice.
 I recently sent out hundreds of surveys about the
 cost of living, and the support that is available. Thank you to those of you who   If  you  are  already  a  regular  don’t  forget  to  let
 have completed one of my surveys  - many people confirmed that they didn’t   Brenda  House  know  whether  you  are  coming  or
 know about the Government’s Cost of Living website    not. (This helps us to plan and avoid waste)    If  you’ve  not  joined  us  before,  please  contact
                                  Brenda on 01929471255.
 where you can find lots of information about the help that is available. Please do
 take  a  look.  There  is  also  a  dedicated  section  of  my  website  with  lots  of   Our lunches cost just £6.
                                                                   Ian Ventham
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