Page 47 - Bere Regis November 2023
P. 47

November 2023                       November 2023

       Last month the WI welcomed Malcolm and Glenda
 The next meeting of Bere Regis Floral Group will be   from  ‘Dorset  and  West  Pathfinders’  whose  motto  is
 on Tuesday November 14th  at 2pm in Winterborne   “Detect  the  Past”  The  Pathfinders  exist  for
 Kingston village hall.   detectorists    to  responsibly  enjoy  their hobby  whilst
 This  is  the  club’s  Christmas  demonstration.    The   meeting  up  with  friends  and  to  raise  money  for
 demonstrator will be Margaret Heale, and her title is   landowners’  charities  at  the  same  time  and  have
 simply “Christmas”.   been organising digs since May 2015.

 The  theme  for  the  month’s  stall  is  Floral  Items.  As    Malcolm explained to us the different types of metal detectors and how to use
 always, the stall has a wide variety of items.   them.  He  also  explained  the  rules  and  regulations  regarding  the  reporting  of
       significant  finds.  They  displayed  a  wide  array  of  small  items  found  on  their  digs
 Visitors  and  new  members  are  always  welcome  to   and related the story of finding an American soldier’s dog tag and being able to
 come along.  Your first visit is free of charge.   trace the soldier and return the tag to his family. The Pathfinders’ web site shows
       an  impressive display  of larger items  found since  the first dig.  A  most  enjoyable
 For information, contact Chairman Bob Holman 01305
 8482262 or email   and interesting talk.

 When you respond to

 advertisers, do please

 tell them you saw their
 advert in this magazine    Then,  in  spite  of  storm  Babette  the  intrepid  ladies  of  the  WI  attended  a  very
       pleasant evening. We learnt about the origins of Henna, first discovered as cave
 -  it helps them monitor   paintings, how it migrated to India. It is a plant that grows up to 12 feet tall. It Is
       processed into a  powder  and then  mixed  with black tea,  sandalwood or  even
 the effectiveness of   lavender to create a paste that can be applied to the skin. It plays a large part in
       a Hindu wedding ceremony as well as at births, christenings and religious rituals.
 their advert and helps   We then had fun using henna from what looked like small icing bags to decorate
       backs of hands.
 us generate more   The  county  skittles  tournament  has  begun.  We  played  our  first  match  against
       Chickerell.  It  was  a  very  good  morning  with  lots  of  laughs,  however  we  were
 advertising revenue!!   beaten.
       Soup  ‘n’  sandwich  1pm  at  the  sports  club,  Thursday  26th  October
       Lunch @ 29029 Thursday 30th November.  Meeting concluded with tea and cake.

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