Page 43 - Bere Regis November 2023
P. 43

November 2023                       November 2023

 SPOTLIGHT ON ……..      Jenny: After the renovations, we needed to do something to encourage people
       back to using the village hall.  The shop volunteers noticed that customers using
       the shop would stand about chatting with each other. So,  Andrea Smith, Cindy
 …..   the Briantspuddle   Read and I thought we would start to offer tea and coffee on Saturday mornings,
 Community Group and   10.00 to 12.00, so people can stop and chat with somewhere to sit. We decided
       to offer real coffee (not instant!), bacon rolls and homemade cakes. We have to
 Saturday Coffee Shop   pay for ingredients and the rent for the hall but we don’t need to make a profit.
 Janey Gordon   So it’s £1 for a drink, £1 for cake and £1.50 for a bacon roll. We opened on 13 April
 In  the  parishes  of  Bere  Regis  and
 Affpuddle  with  Turnerspuddle,  and  the   Angie: The Coffee Shop has become really popular. We have lots of regulars from
 villages  these parishes include, there are   the  village  but  also  from  further  afield  and  other  local  villages.  It’s  open  to
 a number of people who give their time and energies to support and enrich the   everyone. Sometimes we have a choir rehearsing in the main hall, (it has a lovely
 local  communities  and  individuals  who  live  here.  They  contribute  freely  to  the   acoustic) and they come through for coffee in their break.
 villages either as individuals or as groups and teams.    Jenny: We sometimes get groups of cyclists coming through the village too. They
       know to give us a call first, “Just to warn you, we’ve got a group of twelve cyclists
 The parish magazine is running a short series to “Spotlight” some of these, and this
 month we are featuring the Briantspuddle Community Group, which is based in   coming through Briantspuddle at about 10.30 on Saturday. Can we say we’ll be
 the  Briantspuddle  Village  Hall.  The  group  is  organised  by  a  small  committee  of   there for coffee and a bacon roll each please?”
 Angie  Talbot,  the  Chair,  along  with  Jenny  Beedle,  Andrea  Smith  and  Jenny   Angie:  On  the  second  Saturday  in  the  month,  I  run  the  Book-Let  alongside  the
 Lightfoot. Along with around ten other volunteer helpers, they are responsible for   Coffee Shop.  This has been going since 2008. We have two library trollies and for
 the  very  popular weekly  Saturday  morning Coffee  Shop,  as  well  as  the monthly   30 pence people can ‘rent’ a book and bring it back the following month. All the
 ‘Let’s  Lunch’  on  the  fourth  Thursday  of  the  month  and  the  ‘Book-Let’  on  the   books  are  donated  to  us.  They  are  all  in  good  condition  and  ‘good  reads’,
 second  Saturday  morning  of  each  month.  I  spoke  to  Angie  and  Jenny  in  the   whodunnits, romances, thrillers, biographies, autobiographies and so on. We keep
 Briantspuddle Village Hall.   them for about a year and then pass them on to charity shops. So, there is always

 Janey: This is an exceptionally smart village hall and with excellent facilities. What   a good selection.
 exactly do you have here?   Jenny:  Later  in  2013,  when  the  Coffee  Shop  had  already  started,  we  were
 Angie: The main hall was originally a barn that was converted to a village hall in   approached  by  the  Partnership  for  Older  People  Programme,  known  as  POPP.
 the 1920s with a kitchen and outbuildings. When the Bladen Estate was sold in the   They were running a scheme to help elderly people to get out and socialise. They
 1950s, the parish council bought the hall on behalf of the community and in 1983   wanted  to  set  up  lunch  clubs  and  asked  if  we  would  be  interested.  They  were
 a charitable trust was set up to manage and maintain the hall.    offering  a  grant  of  £2,000  to  help  with  equipment.  So  we  visited  one  already
       running in  Milton  Abbas  to  see  how  it  worked  and  in  October  2013  ran  our  first
 Jenny: On the same site we also have the village shop and Post Office, and the   Let’s  Lunch,  just  to  see  if  there  was  any  interest  and  only  offering  soup  and  a
 Bladen Social Club which are separate not for profit organisations that are run by   sweet. It was very popular and has been on the fourth Thursday of the month ever
 their own volunteer groups.    since. We stopped for COVID but were up and running again straight afterwards.
 Janey:  You  have  very  good  facilities!  The  kitchen is  amazing!  It’s  got  two  huge   Angie:  Let’s  Lunch  is  first  and  foremost  for  the  parishioners  of  Affpuddle  with
 sinks, a range cooker and a commercial dishwasher. And, it is squeaky clean!   Turnerspuddle and who are over fifty-five. But if someone has a guest staying or
       someone  who  has  moved  away  comes  back  to  visit,  they  are  welcome.  We
 Angie: In 2011 to 2012, the older building additions were taken down and a large   charge £6 for a main course, dessert, cheeseboard and tea or coffee. People do
 modern  kitchen,  toilets,  storerooms  and  meeting  area  were  built  on  to  the  hall.   need to book as places are limited.
 The  users  were  asked  what  kind  of  kitchen  we  needed  and  we  said,  “A  large
 one!” We wanted to be able to welcome volunteers and also to be able to cater   Janey: How do you manage to do it so cheaply?
 for  community  events,  celebrations  and  parties.  The  whole  build  took  about  a
 year in all.    Jenny: (Laughs) We look out for bargains! If something suitable is on special offer,
       we will get it for the next Let’s Lunch. The Let’s Lunch food is cooked in our Village

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