Page 16 - Bere Regis November 2023
P. 16

November 2023                                                                       November 2023

       BISHOP’S LETTER                                                                     Let  us  now  get  on  to
                                                                                           subjects  such  as  the
       Praying for the People God Knows We                                                 potential  of  seeing  some
       Need                                                                                a u tu mn a l    w e a th e r
                                                                                           coming  our  way.  After
       This  autumn  it  has  been  a  joy  to  institute  and                             hearing   the   weather
       licence  a  record  number  of  clergy  to  new  posts                              forecast  at  lunch  time
       and as well as being the beginning of new ministry                                  today,  it  was  suggested
       for  individuals,  communities  and  parishes,  these                               that  after  experiencing
       services  represent  the  culmination  of  months  of                               some  very  heavy  rainfall
       careful work.   The appointment of clergy is one of                                 overnight,   we   could
       the  most  important  tasks  of  being  a  bishop,                                  experience a frost with us
       overseeing the right person appointed to the right                                  before the weekend. It is amazing how things are changing today, suddenly we
       place,  not  only  fulfils  the  vocation  of  parish  and                          change from close on 20 degrees centigrade to frost it is unbelievable. How this
       priest, but also ensures faithful ministry now and in                               will  change  our  lifestyles,  I  wonder  how  many  men  will  be  wearing  shorts  this
       the future.                                                                         weekend? How the ladies dress code will change I am not able to say and to be
                                                                                           perfectly honest, I’m almost too scared to mention it.!
       Sometimes  the  departure  of  a  parish  priest  is
       sudden,  sometimes  it  is  planned  whatever,  the                                 Now let us get back to the present and our current weather and the masses of
       period of vacancy ensures time is taken to review                                   green  foliage  we see  around us.  I  honestly  say  that I can’t  ever  remember  the
       the needs of a particular place or places, of a particular church or churches, to   start of the rugby season being so green. We have had a wonderful long lasting
       make sure that the defined task is realistic and forward looking. This can involve   summer, well into what we would normally expect to be autumn. By this time of
       vision days and consultations with Patrons and other interested parties.  The role   year we would at least expect the trees to be changing their foliage from green
       needs  to be accurately  defined  and  the  drawing up  of a  profile  and  advert  a   to yellowish brown and in the case of those with larger, heavier leaves such as the
       careful  process,  bearing  in  mind  that  some  weeks  well  over  forty  church   horse chestnut, maple, ash, elder and sycamore to changing to a more distinct
       leadership posts are advertised nationally in the Church Times.                     brown and actually beginning to fall.
       The recruitment and appointment process, co-ordinated by the archdeacon and                                                   One  tree,  whose  leaves  are  well
       our  local  office,  involves  careful  managing,  as  applications  arrive,  shortlisting                                    on  the  way  to  actually  changing
       takes  place  and  interviews  and  visits  are  organised.    Patrons,  parish                                               colour and beginning to fall is the
       representatives all participate in what is ultimately and most importantly a task of                                          wild  cherry  tree.  We  have  one
       prayerful discernment as references are sought and read, candidates welcomed,                                                 immediately  outside  our  window
       and a day of interviews held.  Presentations are made, homilies preached, and                                                 and  it  has  in  fact  lost  some  of  its
       the local school visited.  Then following appointment all the necessary checks are                                            foliage but everywhere else I look
       made before an announcement and plans for moving take shape, including the                                                    there, is a mass of green leaves.
       preparation of the house and organisation of the licensing service itself.
                                                                                                                                     Last  month  I  wrote  about  shrubs
       As  often  is  the  case  much  hard  work  proceeds  a  joyful  celebration.    Prayer  is                                   and  roses  in  our  garden  coming
       essential,  and  so  often  the  temptation  is  to  ask  for  the  person  we  all  think  we                                into flower for the second time this
       want, when rather than trusting that God will provide the person God knows we                                                 year.  I  can  now  say  the  same  is
       need.  I am forever thankful for all those who at the end of these processes come                                             still  happening  this  month.  This
       to the  diocese to serve the  church  faithfully  as  priests.  We  welcome  those who                                        climate  change  is  definitely  the
       have  arrived  recently  and  continue  to  pray  for  parishes  in,  or  soon  to  be  in,   cause  and  we,  the  human  race,  are  responsible  for  it.  What  must  we  do  to
       vacancy.                                                                            alleviate it?
                                                                         +Karen            Obviously we must stop producing carbon dioxide from fossil fuel usage. In fact

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