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November 2019                                                                       November 2019

       THE BERE REGIS SCRIB-                                                                                  BERE REGIS NEWS

       Bere Regis Scribblers invite you to a joint event:                                  BERE REGIS PARISH COUNCIL

       A story competition and 'Calling all                                                Chairman:          Ian Ventham     471480
       Archers fans'
                                                                                           Vice Chairman:     Bryan Benjafield    07969
       The  Bere  Regis  Scribblers  are  holding  a  writing                                                                 770890
       competition on Sunday 17  November, the theme
       being a story inspired by a song/lyric or piece of                                                     Amanda          472327
       music.                                                                              Parish Clerk:
        The story must be read in 5 minutes or you will be ’timed out’ but will be allowed
       to  finish.    To  register  your  interest  in  entering  please  email    jimgill-  Websites:  The  story  reading  will  start  promptly  at  2pm.  There  is  an   
       audience vote so come and choose your favourite story.
        Our judge for the competition will be Adrian Flynn, one of the regular team that    The  Parish  Council  met  on  Thursday  10th  October  2019  at  the  Drax  Hall.  4
       writes the famous BBC serial. As a treat for all Archers fans, after judging the com-  members of the public were present. The next meeting will be on Thursday 14
       petition  and  giving  out  the  prizes,  Adrian  Flynn  will  talk  and  answer  questions   November at the Drax Hall, starting at 7pm. All parishioners are very welcome to
       on The Archers.  All welcome.                                                        attend and to take the opportunity to raise any matters or concerns at the start of
                                                                                            the meeting.
       Come and listen to the stories and hear all about the Archers

       Sunday November 17th  starting 2pm at the Bere Regis Scout Hut, Elder Road
                                                                                            New Head Teacher
       £5 admission on door inc tea and cake
                                                                                            The Council heard from Rachael Brown, who took over as Head Teacher of Bere
                                                                                            Regis Primary School this summer and explained some of the ideas she had for the
                                                                                            school and areas she felt the council could assist. It was agreed that we would
                                                                                            hold regular meetings with Mrs Brown and the Council are keen to work together
                                                                                            and help in any way we can.

                                                                                            Village Tidy
                                                                                            Unfortunately the planned Village Tidy on October 12  was cancelled due to the
                                                                                            poor  weather,  but  thank  you  to  the  small  band  of  people  who  did  turn  up
                                                                                            regardless. We will look to arrange another tidy in the spring, but in the meantime
                                                                                            we  would  appreciate  help  from  villagers  clearing  gutters  and  weeds  from  the
                                                                                            kerbside in front of their property over the next few days when the weather clears.

                                                                                            Remembrance Sunday
                                                                                            Remembrance Sunday is on 10  November and there will be the annual parade

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