Page 42 - br-november-2019
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November 2019                                                                       November 2019

                                             Paul Martin       07788 185048                 NEWS FROM BERE REGIS

                                            Electrics          01929 289323
                                                                                            PRIMARY AND PRE-SCHOOL
                                                                                            Southbrook, Bere Regis, BH20 7DB  01929 471334
                                             Local BH20 electrician,  with over forty years’
                                             experience offering:-
       Small load  -  £75  Large load  -  £160
                                              Consumer Unit (fuse                         Autumn is my favourite time of year. It is a time of change,
                                              board) Replacement
                                                                                           reflection and expectation. For those of us who spend our
                                              Emergency call-out                          time in schools, it is also a time of fresh starts. It is filled with
                                              Service                                      excitement and anticipation for the festive treats that await
                                              Additions and                               us:  harvest,  bonfire  night  and  Christmas.  As  the  air  gets  a
                                              Alterations to Existing                      little chilly, I can’t help but look forward to snug evenings in front of the fire and
                                              Installations                                the joy of children in those precious weeks running up to Christmas.
                                              Portable Appliance                                                                As  well  as  new  school  shoes,  fresh
                                              Testing                                                                            haircuts  and  gleaming  book  bags,
                                                                                                                                 the  new  school  year  has  also  seen
                                             No VAT – Fully Insured
                                             Part P Compliant                                                                    our shiny new head teacher, Rachael
                                             Free Estimates                                                                      Brown,  take  up  post.  We  have  a
                                             All Work Guaranteed                                                                 brand  new  library,  exciting  curricular
                                                                                                                                 developments  and  lots  to  look
                                                                                                                                 forward  to  this  year.    The  children
                                                                                                                                 have  settled  brilliantly  into  their  new
                                                                                                                                 classes and are full of enthusiasm.
                                                GARDENING CLUB
                                                                                                                                 Inevitably,  as  we  enter  the  second
                                                                                           half of the term, the glitter will be out and Christmas will be in full swing! This year,
                                            Our Harvest Supper in October was a            we would like to invite you to join us for some of our festive events.
                                            huge  success.    About  40  people  sat       On  Wednesday 18  December, we will hold a carol concert in the school hall
                                            down to a supper of baked potatoes,            from 6pm. Members of the community are warmly invited to join us.
                                            home  cooked  ham  a  variety  of
                                            salads  followed  by  a  selection  of         On Monday 16  December, our year 3 and 4 class will set up some stalls in our
      home cooked puddings.  The evening was then concluded with a short talk by           hall,  with  festive  decorations  and  tasty  treats  for  sale  (we  await  the  children’s
      Mrs. Hilda Montgomery on her travels in India.                                       designs to know exactly what will be up for grabs!). This will be the culmination of
                                                                                           their unit of work ‘Festive Enterprise’, during which they will learn to about money,
      Remember the 5  November, it’s our November meeting.  We are enjoying one            including how to set a budget and calculate profit, as well as learning the skills to
      of  our  wild  life  talks  with  a  talk  called  Roaming  Free  (New  Forest  Ponies)  by   create  goods  for  sale.  We  would  relish  the  support  of  members  of  the
      Suzanne Kemp.  This will be an excellent talk so it you are not doing fireworks that   community. The sale will run from 2.45-3.15pm and any profits will feed back into
      evening, come along at the Drax Hall all welcome.
                                                                                           school funds.
      Our final talk of the year in December is about Charles Darwin and his famous        Warmest wishes,
                                                                                                                                     Kay Gibbs, Deputy Head Teacher

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