Page 44 - br-november-2019
P. 44

November 2019                                                                       November 2019
        Why not try building your own bug hotel for your garden, they can be as small or    a t t e n d e d    t h i s
        large as you wish. Or, simply leave a corner of your garden untended and pile up    amazing event along
        some sticks and logs. Many creatures will welcome the shelter provided and the      with 2 others from our
        occupants will be on hand to help pollinate your flowers and vegetables come        Explorer  Unit,  Nathan
        next year.
                                                                                            House    and    Sam
                                                                                            Churc hou se.     I n

                                                                                            October  2017  scouts
        Souls Moor
                                                                                            and  explorer  scouts
        Despite  the  wet  weather,  the  Beaver,  Cub  and  Scout  packs  have  also  been   from  across  Dorset
        helping us on Souls Moor.                                                           were  invited  to  a
                                                                                            Jamboree  selection
        We  are  fortunate  that  Souls  Moor  is  a  ‘Site  of  Nature  Conservation  Interest’,  a   camp and of the 140
        designation  given  to  the  area  because  of  the  diversity  of  wet  meadow  plants   who  attended,  72
        that  occur  there,  some  of  which  have  been  lost  from  many  areas  because  of   were   selected   to
        intensive agriculture.   This is why we have the 2 charming ponies there and they   participate  in  the  world  Scout  Jamboree  in  North  America.  After  multiple
                                                have been doing great work over             training camps across Dorset where we got to know the leaders and the rest of
       oiu                                      the Summer, grazing the land and            the  group,  and  copious  amounts  of  fundraising  (quiz  nights,  raffles,  jam  and
                                                keeping the grass sward low. Over
                                                                                            cake sales amongst other things) the time finally came to pack our bags for this
                                                the  past  three  years  when  the          amazing trip.
                                                ponies  have  been  present,  there
                                                has  a  marked  and  welcome                After driving up to Heathrow and flying to the USA, we started off in New York
                                                reduction of the vigour of the taller       during  a  heat  wave  and  managed  to  visit  Times  Square,  Ground  Zero  and
                                                plants  such  as  marsh  thistle,           travelled  on  the  Staten  Island  ferry  close  to  the  Statue  of  Liberty.
                                                meadowsweet  and  hogweed  to               Following  the  first  night  (staying  at  one  of  the  local  universities)  and  another
                                                create  a  better  balance  of              long journey, we arrived at the Summit Bechtel family reserve in West Virginia:
                                                vegetation  and  allow  the  smaller        the home of the 24th World Scout Jamboree. Over 40,000 scouts and leaders
                                                and  rarer  plants  and  flowers  to        from  152 nations  attended,  including  over  4,000  from  the  UK.  Each  unit  of  40
                                                flourish.  However, the ponies don’t        young people and leaders set up camp in a specified area and the Brownsea
                                                eat  everything.  So,  the  Beavers,        Island Unit that I was part of was surrounded by scouts from Hungary, Sweden,
        Cubs and Scouts, a few parents and some of our volunteers put their backs into      Malaysia and New Zealand.
        chopping down some of the scrub and taller vegetation. The ponies joined in as
        well and it was interesting to see that once the tall vegetation was cut and taken   The site covered approx. 14,000 acres and was filled with all sorts of activities
        away they started to eat the underlying grasses. the You can see the  action in     ranging from climbing, white water rafting and stand up paddle boarding, to
        the photo below.                                                                    cultural activities such as learning about scouting and life in different countries. I
                                                                                            found the cultural interaction particularly fulfilling, speaking to the French scouts
        The cut material will be taken away from site as reducing the fertility of the land   in  their  mother  tongue,  tasting  traditional  Malaysian  food  and  exchanging
        will also help the less vigorous plants to grow. Anyway, a big thank you to all the   badges with South Korean scouts.
        helpers – a great job and no complaints about the rain!
                                                                                            With  the  closing  ceremony  completed,  we  departed  for  our  big  city  visit  to
        The pond on Souls Moor was formed to provide a constant source of water for         Washington DC where we visited museums and galleries as well as attending a
        the  ponies,  but  also  provides  an  additional  habitat  for  wildlife.  It  has  been   b a s e b a l l    g a m e    a t    t h e    B a l t i m o r e    O r i o l e s    s t a d i u m .
        colonised  with  some  plants,  frogspawn  and  young  frogs  have  been  seen  and   The final stretch took us to spend three days in Dorchester, Ontario, Canada.
        dragonflies flying over the water. Following expert advice we propose fencing off   Here we met up with other of the UK units and also had the opportunity to learn
        part of the pond. This will help to pond side poaching by the ponies, still allow   about the indigenous culture. In addition, a visit to Niagara Falls was a great
        them to have easy access to drink and at the same time allow for the growth of      way  to  round  the  trip  off  with  the  boat  trip  getting  us  very  wet!
        pond edge plants which would add to the ponds and in the future be great for
        pond invertebrates.                                                                 Scouting has given me the most amazing opportunities and this three week trip

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