Page 13 - br-november-2019
P. 13

November 2019                       November 2019

 Garden  waste  bonfires  are  allowed  provided  only  garden  waste  (untreated
 wood,  branches,  small  amounts  of  leaves  etc)  is  being  burned,  and  it  is  not   BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH
 causing  a  nuisance.  Burning  only  dry  material  and  taking  account  of  wind
 direction  can  help  control  the  likelihood  of  a  nuisance  being  caused.  Plastics
 should never be burned because of the release of toxic chemicals which directly   Sundays  10.30am    Morning  Service    taken  each  week  by    visiting
 threaten human health.    preachers.
 Should  residents  wish  to  take  matters  further  this  is  the  link  to  Dorset  Councils   Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting
       Tuesdays at 9.15am (during term time)  Chapel Toddlers Group
       Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer

 Dogs perceived to be dangerous

 Should  you  wish  to  report  a  dangerous  dog  please  follow  the  link  to  Dorset   On  Sunday  17   November  at  10.30am  we  will  again  be  having  a  baptismal
 Council’s website.  For our area the site still points you to Purbeck.   service.  Two of our members will be making a public confession of their faith in
       Jesus,  so  fulfilling  His  command  to  “believe  and  be  baptised”.  They  will  be
 dog-warden-service-in-purbeck.aspx   baptised by full immersion.  These services are always very joyful occasions, and
       visitors are most welcome.

 Cutting back of overgrown hedges      Children  can  be  such  joyful  additions  to  our  so  often  serious  and  dismal  world.
       They  open  our  eyes  to  the  wonders  of  creation  and  make  us  consider  such
 This  matter  has  been  referred  to  the   important questions as ‘How do the stars stay in the sky?’ and ‘Why is grass green
 Parish  Council  as  a  road  safety   and not red?’  Their laughter brightens many lives, but they are open to express
 issue.    Overgrown  hedges  do  impair   their emotions.  They aren’t afraid to admit weakness, yet they will often defend
 both visibility and the ability for vehicles   what they know to be right, regardless of circumstances or possible results.
 to pass in narrow lanes.  It may be that
 residents are planning to use this month   I  recently  read  the  story  of  a  child  who  was  living  in  an  atheistic  communist
 to  cut  back  hedges  and  the  parish   country.  Her school teacher spent a whole lesson explaining that God does not
 council would be most grateful for this effort.  If problems persist then the parish   exist.   After the lesson the teacher asked who still believed in God.  The little girl
 council  is  tasked  to  report  issues  to  Highways  who  will  liaise  directly  with   stood up.  The teacher made her stay in after school and write one hundred times,
 landowners.    In  some  cases,  Highways  will  carry  out  the  work  themselves  and   “I do not believe in God.”  The girl could not do that, so she wrote “I do believe in
 seek to recover their costs from residents.   God.” The teacher was so angry with her that she made her write it correctly one
       thousand times at home that night.  The little girl wrote it one thousand times her
 A helpful pamphlet published by Dorset Council has been added to the Parish   way,  although  she  knew  she  would  be
 Council section of the website.   It is entitled Hedges, Trees and the Highway.  It   severely  punished in  school  the  next  day.
 details responsibilities and offers guidelines when it comes to cutting back.  This   This young child believed in God and was
 can be viewed as an annex to the publication of the Parish Magazine article.   not  going  to  deny  Him,  despite  the
       consequences.  What an important lesson

 Motorbikes in Sears Wood   for us all to learn.
 Should you encounter motorbikes in Sears  Wood please  report this nuisance to   When  Jesus  was  blessing  the  children,  He
 the local police by calling 101.  It would also be helpful if you could report that   said,  “Whoever  does  not  receive  the
 you have done so by emailing the parish clerk.  If Councillors have evidence that   kingdom of God like a child shall not enter
 parishioners  have  reported  incidents,  they  can  work  with  the  police  to  add   it.”      (Luke  18:17)    So  how  should  we  be
 resources (including off road vehicles) in attempt to pursue and deter offenders.

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