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November 2018                                                                       November 2018

       NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER                                                               MILBORNE MOVIES

       November  is  of  course  the  month  where  we                                     are showing 'Finding Your Feet' in
       remember  those  who  have  fought  for  our  country                               Milborne St Andrew
       and lost their lives in conflict. Remembrance Day has
       a special poignancy this year, as it is 100 years to the                            on Fri Nov 9th.
       day  since  the  First  World  War  ended.  There  are  a
       variety  of  special  events  to  mark  the  centenary                              Doors and Bar open 7.00; film starts
       across Dorset, and I will be attending several of them.                             7.30
       I  will  be  starting  early  with  Battle  O’er  bagpipes  in
       Poole Park, then later attending the morning parade                                 When  'Lady'  Sandra  Abbott  (Academy  Award
       in Wareham, bell ringing in Lytchett Matravers in the                               nominee  Imelda  Staunton)  discovers  that  her
       afternoon  followed  by  the  parade  in  Corfe  Mullen.  At  sundown  I  will  be  in   husband  of  forty  years  (John  Sessions)  is  having  an
       Wimborne for the lighting of a beacon in the cemetary.                              affair with her best friend she seeks refuge in London
                                                                                           with her estranged older sister Bif (Celia Imrie) -  outspoken, serial dating and free-
       Six  million  men  served  in  the  First  World  War,  and  over  725,000  never  returned.   spirited: she couldn't be more different. But different is just what Sandra needs at
       Nearly 2 million who did return were disabled, and the British Legion was formed in   the  moment,  and  when  she  reluctantly  lets  Bif  drag  her  along  to  a community
       1921 to care for those who had suffered as a result of service in the Armed Forces   dance class, she gradually starts finding her feet and romance as she meets her
       during the war, whether through their own service or through that of a husband,     sister's  friends,  Charlie  (Timothy  Spall),  Jackie  (Joanna  Lumley)  and  Ted  (David
       father or son. The first ever Poppy Appeal was held in 1921 and has been running    Hayman).
       ever since. The Poppy was used as a symbol of Remembrance and hope, and all
       the  poppies  are  produced  by  the  Poppy  factory,  which  employs  veterans  and   Thanks to the website 'Rotten Tomatoes' for this description. They also call it a feel-
       helps them get into work.                                                           good romance....and those actors are a pretty good recommendation!

       But Remembrance Day is not just about the First or Second World Wars. It is also a
       chance to remember and honour those who have died serving our country more           BERE REGIS MOT and SERVICE             If you are missing out because
       recently.  Earlier  this  year I was  delighted  that  my  nominee  for  an  NHS  70  award      CENTRE                     of back or neck pain or injury
       won  the  excellence  in  mental  care  award.  This  was  the  Dorset  Armed  Forces       TEL: 01929 472205                      get in touch with
       Community Health and Wellbeing Project which aims to reduce health inequalities                   MOTs
       for veterans and families of both retired and serving personnel. It is important that   (No Re-Test Fee within 10 working days)
       we  continue  to  support  our  Armed  Forces  and  veterans,  both  nationally  and           SERVICING
       locally.                                                                                         REPAIRS

                                            Over  the  summer  I  met  with  one  of  our        BRAKES * EXHAUSTS
                                            local  veterans  who  was  chosen  to                                                    for FREE advice, or see our
                                            represent   our   country   on   the               COMPUTERISED DIAGNOSTICS          website for tips and exercises for
                                            international stage.  Alan  White is an ex-           LATEST EQUIPMENT FOR
                                            Royal  Marine  and  was  selected  as  one           MOST MAKES AND MODELS                many common injuries.
                                            of  72  military  veterans  to  represent  the                                       And if you want to come and see
                                            UK  in  October's  Invictus  Games  in           OVER 30 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE            us, there's an amazing £15 off
                                            Sydney.  The  Invictus  Games  is  an                IN THE MOTOR TRADE                  your first session with this
                                            international  adaptive  multisport  event,
                                            created  by  Prince  Harry  in  which                  Proprietor: Bill Greer                 advert.  (BRAF)
                                            wounded, injured or sick armed services               Unit 1 Townsend Business Park         Call 01305 757101
       personnel  and  their  associated  veterans  take  part  in  sports.  Alan  has  been         Bere Regis, BH20 7LA               or visit our website
       supported  in  his  efforts  by  many  local  people,  the  British  Legion  and  Help  for   (At rear of Shell Petrol Station)

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