Page 60 - may2024
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May 2024                                                                             May 2024
                                                                                                                                         They  also  take  part  in  a
                                                                                                                                         Parliamentary-style   debate
               RECIPE OF THE MONTH                                                                                                       on  an  issue  that  might

                    Thanks to our WI members for sharing their favourites                                                                particularly   affect   young
                                                                                                                                         people. This time they chose
                                                                                                                                         the  legalisation  of  cannabis
           Posh                                                                                                                          –  a  controversial  topic!  As
                                                                                                                                         expected,  it  was  a  lively
           Sandwich                                                                                                                      d e b a t e ,    w i t h    w e l l -
                                                                                                                                         researched  arguments  on

                                                                                                                                         both    sides.   They   all
           Please  try  this                                                                                                             contributed,    including
           on a sunny day                                                                                                                i nterveni ng   on   the i r
           sat    in    the                                                                colleagues, and challenging the points made, before a final vote.
           garden      with                                                                They’ve also been drafting some news items for my email newsletter and website,
           friends.                                                                        learning about the media side of being an MP.  All this is combined with biscuits

                                                                                           and cake, and I will be inviting them to Parliament to see Government in action
           Ingredients                                                                     later this term.

                Rosemary focaccia bread                                                   I hope to host another work experience week in the summer – if you want to know
                                                                                           more about what the students did this week, and how they felt about it, please
                Halloumi                                                                  do have a look on my website where you can find their diary entries for the week.
                Olive tapenade                                                            I continue to hold regular surgeries in the constituency so please do get in touch if
                Sundried tomato paste                                                     there is something you need help with, or if you’d like me to visit your organisation
                Rocket                                                                    or  business.  Email  me  on  or  contact  my
                Olive oil                                                                 office  on  01202 624216.  You  can  also  follow  what  I’ve  been
                                                                                           doing  on  Facebook  or
                                                                                           on my website

           1.    Slightly  warm  the  bread,  then  cut  through  the  middle  so
                 you can fill it.

           2.    Spread  one  side  with  olive  tapenade  and  the  other  with             Michael Tomlinson MP          LOCAL MEMBER OF
                 sundried tomato paste                                                       holds regular surgeries             PARLIAMENT

           3.    Cut the halloumi into slices and fry in a smear of olive oil for            in the constituency.  For
                 about 2mins on each side, until golden brown                                 details of forthcoming
                                                                                             surgeries or to make an   
           4.    Place  the  halloumi  on  the  bread  with  rocket  on  top,  a              appointment, please
                 drizzle of olive oil. Place the top on, cut in half and enjoy.
                                                                                                contact his office.      01202 624216
           5.    It take minutes to put together, so do it fresh while friends                                         
                 and family enjoy a chat and drink.

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