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May 2024                                                                             May 2024

        BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE                                                        LOCAL CHOIR NEWS

                                     NEWS                                                  Choral Services and Musical Events at St Peter’s Church,

                                                                                           Dorchester, during May
       AFFPUDDLE AND TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH                                                  Our  monthly  service  of  Choral  Eucharist  takes  place  on  Sunday  12   May  at
       COUNCIL                                                                             10.30am. The music, for Ascensiontide, includes Croft’s ‘God is gone up’, Mozart’s
                                                                                           Missa Brevis in D K.194’ and Ole Gjeilo’s ‘Ubi caritas’. All are welcome to this free
                                                                                           event and for refreshments afterwards.

                                                                                           On  Saturday  18   May,  between  12.30pm  and  1.00pm,  Winston  Leese  and  Ian
                                                                                           Davis  will present  a  programme  of  music  for  trumpet  and  organ in  our  monthly
                                                                                           lunchtime  concert.  Music  by  Archer,  Lang,  Purcell,  Stanley  and  Clark  can  be
                                                                                           enjoyed  amongst  readings  of  Hardy,  presented  by  Jan  Wylde.  This  is  a  free
                                                                                           concert  and  we  hope  you  will  join  us  for  an  enjoyable  half  hour  of  wonderful
                                                                                           words and music in the midst of your busy Saturday!
                                                                                           Our  monthly  service  of  Choral  Evensong  takes  place  on  Saturday  25   May  at
                                                                                           4.30pm,  when  we  mark  Pentecost.  The  music  includes  Gibbons’s  ‘Come  Holy
                                                                                           Ghost’, Matthias’s ‘Jesus College Service’, Ayleward’s ‘Preces & Responses’ and
                                                                                           Elgar’s  ‘The  Spirit  of  the  Lord’.  All  are  very  welcome  to  this  free  event  and  we
                                                                                           hope you will join us for a glass of wine afterwards.

       Annual Parish Meeting                                                               Internationally   renowned
                                                                                           vocal    ensemble,     The
       The  Annual  Parish  Meeting  was  held  from  6:30pm  on  10   April  in  Briantspuddle   Gesualdo  Six,  are  coming  to
       Village Hall.                                                                       St  Peter’s  to  give  a  concert
                                                                                           on  Friday  6   September  at
       Community Groups were invited to attend the meeting to report on their activities   7pm.  We  encourage  you  to
       over the last year and update the Parish about their future. Reports were received   acquire  your  tickets  as  soon
       from :-                                                                             as possible! You can visit the
            Bladen Social Club                                                            box  office  here:  https://
            Briantspuddle Community Group                                       
            Briantspuddle Village Hall
            Briantspuddle Shop & Post Office                                              You can keep up with events
                                                                                           v i a
                                                                                                   o u r
                                                                                                          w e b s i t e :
            The Erica Trust                                                       or  by  following  us  on  social
            Affpuddle PCC                                                                 media:  Facebook:  -    X
            Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle Parish Council                                    (Twitter): @musicatstpeter - Instagram @musicatstpetersdorch. If you would like to
                                                                                           join  our  email  list  to  receive  news  about  our  events,  drop  us  a  line  at:
       The reports submitted by all of the above groups can be found on the community  All  of  our  social  media  and  contact  details  can  be
       website.                                                                            found at:

        Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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