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May 2024                              May 2024

        April Parish Council Meeting
        Councillors welcomed Peter Leatherdale who is both a resident and member of
        the  Speedwatch  Group.  Peter  proposed  a  plan  to  lower  the  speed  limit  within
        Briantspuddle  from  30mph  to  20  mph.  The  plan  was  received  well  and  will  be
        discussed further at the May meeting.

        Councillors were informed that the Appeal against the Planning Refusal for Battle
        Farm had been determined by the Inspector.  The Appeal was dismissed.
        It was noted that this is the final meeting of the Civic Year and also prior to the
        upcoming Parish and Town Council elections. The next meeting will take place on
        May  15   due  to  the  elections  timetable  when  a  new  Parish  Council  will  be
        elected along with Chair and Vice Chair.


       2025 Calendar
       This  year’s  calendar  has  been  a  big  success  and
       we are hoping to repeat this for the 2025 calendar.
       Following  suggestions  received  at  the  AGM,  we
       have decided that the theme will be ‘Animals and Pets of the Parish’. The entries
       should  be  in  the  form  of  a  photograph,  drawing  or  painting  and  we  would
       welcome entries from all ages. The submissions should be in a landscape format; it
       would  be  lovely  if  they  also  reflected  one  of  the  four  seasons,  but  this  is  not
       essential.  Digital  copies  of  photographs  would  be  preferred  but  printed  copies
       would  also  be  acceptable.    Any  pieces  that  need  to  be  copied  to  make  high
       resolution digital files for printing will be returned to you afterwards.
       All entries should be submitted by 1  August 2024 and if we receive more than are
       needed for the calendar then we will ask our customers to vote for their favourite
       To  register  your  entry,  or  if  you  have  any  queries,  please  contact  the  shop  on
       01929 472000 or
       We look forward to receiving your entries.

       Saturday Opening
       Saturday opening.  We are trialling extending the opening hours for the shop on
       Saturdays from 9am – 4pm. So far, this has been quite well supported, mostly by
       passing visitors.

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