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P. 34

May 2024                                                                             May 2024

       was within the 5 minutes allowed under the rules. Sadly, the Federation committee                              BERE REGIS
       didn’t agree. However, we know we did it and the rest of the world seemed to
       agree with us at the time. There was certainly a lot of support for us after an article
       in the Times and an appearance on ITV’s Good Morning Britain.                                                 The  next  meeting  of
                                                                                                                     Bere   Regis   Floral
       Another first for me was my swim with my great friend Emile Foote from Wareham                                Group  will  be  on
       Quay down the River Frome to Poole Harbour in 2016.  As far as I am aware, the                                Tuesday14th    May,
       swim which took us around 6 hours has never been achieved before or since.                                    and it will be a coach
                                                                                                                     outing  to  Longstock
       I still swim of course and meet up with my friends at Ringstead Bay, Lulworth Cove   Park,  the  John  Lewis  garden  in  Hampshire.  There
       and Swanage. I am the old boy of the party now and nearer the back of the pack       could  be  spare  places  on  the  coach.    Contact
       these days, but it is an honour and a privilege still to be doing the thing I love in my   chairman Bob Holman if you would like to join the
       80 . year.                                                                           outing.
       I also walk regularly with friends and with the Casterbridge Ramblers. Dorset is so   Visitors  and  new  members  are  always  welcome.
       very beautiful, and it is a real joy to be in such wonderful surroundings.           Your first visit to the club is free of charge.
       As I look back I feel very lucky and privileged to have been able to have done the    For  information,  contact  Chairman  Bob  Holman
       things that I have got involved in. I feel fortunate that fate has dealt me a pretty   0 1 3 0 5    8 4 8 2 2 6 2    o r    e m a i l
       good hand and I have been lucky enough to make so many life-long friendships                      Sue Stone’s arrangement
       along the way. Yet more to follow I hope but meanwhile, enjoy…                                                                      following the April workshop
                                                                    Bob Holman

                                                                                                                                      GARDENING CLUB

                                                                                                                         Our  April  meeting  was  on  Tuesday  after  Easter
                                                                                                                         and the weather was awful.  About 25 members
                                                                                                                         still  turned  up  to  hear  Derek  Dexter  talk  about
                                                                                            Fuchsias’.  His infectious enthusiasm for this plant kept everyone interested.
                                                                                            He told us how he came to discover fuchsias.  He has converted his Greenhouse
                                                                                            and small back garden to the production of these flowers.   I was amazed at the
                                                                                            variation  of  colours  and  varieties.        He  has  had  a  considerable  success  for  an
                                                                                            amateur  grower  at  National  fuchsias’  shows.  He  was  answering  questions  and
                                                                                            selling plants he had bought for some time after the meeting
                                                                                            Next meeting is on Tuesday 7  May 7.30 p.m and do not forget the plant sale on
                                                                                            Saturday  11   May  11.00  a,  to  4  p.m.    At  Honeycombe  Cottage  Shitterton      we
                                                                                            need members to bring plants Garden Bric a Brac produce, I will bring chutneys
                                                                                            and preserves.
                                                                                            You  can  go  to  the  Big  Bere  Breakfast  at  earlier  and  turn  up  for  Plant  sale  at
                                                                                            Honeycombed Cottage

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