Page 4 - BR May 2023
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May 2023                                                                             May 2023

       As  humans  we  are  bound  to  the  earth,  and                                       DATES FOR
       we  depend  on  it  for  our  survival.    In  Latin
       homo means  human, and  humus  means  soil;
       both are derived from the same root word.                                                     YOUR DIARY
       In  the  book  of  Genesis,  the  first  book  of  the                                2023
       Bible, we are reminded, ‘you are dust, and to
       dust  you  shall  return’  (Genesis  3.19).    From                                        Floral Group                1st Thursday Club
       ancient  times  we  have  recognized  how                                                                                     Communibus       Women’s Institute
       important  the  soil  of  the  earth  is  for  growing
       crops to feed and clothe us.  In caring for the                                           Salt and Pepper Club   Pop in Place     Twinning      Gardening Club
       earth  we  are  caring  for  ourselves  and  our
       children and grandchildren.  This is why, in the
       church   calendar,   we   have   different                                                       August
       agricultural  blessings  for  the  different  seasons
       of  the year.    The most popular of  these is,  of
       course, Harvest, but there are also Blessings of                                          8th    65 . Anniversary Celebration
       the  Plough  in  January  and  blessing  of  the
       seed at Lammastide – August.  And in May, usually about 6 weeks after Easter, we
       have  Rogation.    These  agricultural  blessings  are  a  reminder  of  the
       interdependence between humans and the environment, and of the importance               SP   17th   Salt and Pepper Club
       of respecting and caring for the natural world.
       The  word  ‘rogation’  comes  from  the  Latin  word  ‘rogare’,  meaning  to  ask  or  to
       plead,  and  it  is  observed  as  a  time  of  prayer  and  reflection.    The  origins  of     September
       Rogation  can  be  traced  back  to  ancient  Roman  agricultural  customs,  where
       people would observe a special day of prayer and fasting, asking the gods for a           12th   Kelly Shaw  'A Celebration of Nature's
       bountiful  harvest. Over  time,  the  Christian church  adapted  this  observance and            Bounty'  Demonstration
       incorporated  it  into  their  own  liturgical  calendar.    One  of  the  key  themes  of

       Rogation is the idea of stewardship. During this time, believers are encouraged to     SP   21st   Salt and Pepper Club
       think about their responsibility towards the environment and to reflect on the ways
       in which they can be better stewards of God’s creation. This focus on stewardship         26th   Folk Night, Skittle Alley, Drax Arms  Sherburn Sanders   7.30pm
       is accompanied by a range of agricultural and environmental practices, such as
       blessing the fields and the animals that support our livelihoods.                         29th   Macmillan Coffee morning
       As  Christians,  we  are  called  to  be  stewards  of  God’s  creation,  and  Rogation
       provides  an  opportunity  for  us  to  reflect  on  this  responsibility  and  to  renew  our
       commitment to protecting the environment. In this way, Rogation is an important
       observance  that  reminds  us  of  our  connection  to  both  God  and  to  the  world
       around us.                                                                                      October
       We will be celebrating Rogation in two ways in Bere Regis on Sunday 14  May, at
       the  11am  Family  Service  which  we  will  be  holding  at  the  Scout  Headquarters,      10th   Allison Finch   TBA  Demonstration
       outside  if  the  weather  is  kind,  and  a  more  traditional  service  at  4pm  in  church.
       Everyone is welcome to come and join in, you’ll be most welcome.                     SP   19th   Salt and Pepper Club

       With blessings Sandra
                                                                                                 24th   Folk Night, Skittle Alley, Drax Arms  Bruce Watson   7.30pm

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