Page 51 - br-may-2022
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Mayl 2022                                                                            May 2022

       So  who  used  the  pool?  Ryan  explained  that  a  wide  range  of  the  community   Other Activities
       came  from  far  and  wide.  The  pool  opened  from  7am  to  7pm  weekdays  and
       10am  to  4pm  at  weekends.  It  holds  adult  only  sessions  where  some  lengths   As  more  events  are  planned  and details  worked  out,  further information  will be
       swimming can be completed. On this sunny warm day in late summer afternoon           circulated in this magazine, through the village Facebook group and on posters.
       the pool was well used which was a joy to see.                                       Judy Newton is the primary contact for co-ordination of all activities and she can
                                                                                            be contacted on
       Scout,  cubs  and  beaver  groups
       have regularly used the pool which
       had  also hosted  a number  of  pool
       parties through the summer.                                                                                                   GARDENING CLUB

       On  a  different  note,  the  pool  also
       plays  host  to  a  number  of  naturist
       only  sessions  which  has  been  well                                                                       Our April Meeting on success and failure with Alpines
       supported. Ryan told me that it had                                                                          was well named.  Richard Horsford knew his Alpines.  I
       22  at  its  first  session  and  26                                                                         thought we were going to get a talk on a few rockery
       participants  last  time  and  he                                                                            plants and had no idea Alpines were so very varied
       planned  to  hold  them  once  a                                                                             and  interesting.    They  clearly  can  be  a  bit
       month throughout the season.                                                         temperamental,  some  growing vigorously  and  others proving  to  be as  bit  more
                                                                                            challenging.  Richard’s enthusiasm for these plants and his never give up on them
       Usage  had  been  good  during  its                                                  attitude  made  one  realize  that  these  were  plants  we  should  not  ignore.    We
       second season back in use. Income                                                    probably all have some in our gardens growing vigorously anyway.
       from  the  pool  and  sales  from  its  soft  drinks  and  snacks  had  brought  in  around
       £20,000  which  had  covered  a  major  part  of  the  running  costs  including  paid   A  good  place  to  come  and  get  some  plants  is  the  Garden  club  Plant  sale  on
       lifeguarding. The council contributed towards the running costs including heating    Saturday  21   May,  2022  at  5  a  Shitterton  from  11.00  to  4  p.m.    There  will  be
       and plant maintenance. Pic 186                                                       refreshments available and you can join the garden club and get some plants.
                                                                                            My mother used to have the plant sale at No 2 the Manor House and there were
                                                 It was time for my swim and after          often donated left over plants.  She had no idea what they were but she planted
                                                 talking  to  Ryan,  I  joined  Dave        them with the view that they have two chances live or die.  After a few years of
                                                 and  Robert  in  the  pool.  Dave  is      this  she  had all  sorts  of  plants  no idea  what they  were but  it  made  for  exciting
                                                 an  ex  –head  teacher  so  was            gardening.    Some  were  really  interesting  and  unusual  others  just  took  over  but
                                                 amply  qualified  to  keep  an             that’s gardening.
                                                 already  excited  Robert  amused
                                                 for little while.                          Our  Next  meeting  is  on  Tuesday  3   May  at
                                                                                            the  Drax  Hall  7.30  p.m    We  have  Lorraine
                                                 “Shall we go for it Dave?” I said a        Love from the Purbeck Apothecary talking to
                                                 little warily looking around at the        us about Herbs and Herbal Medicine   What
                                                 mass  of  bodies  and  floats  in  the     you  can  do  with  the  Common  Garden
                                                 pool. “Let’s give it a go and swim         Herbs?.    She  will  be  bringing  products  for
                                                 nice  and  slowly”  was  his  reply.       Sale.  We are not having coffee but having
                                                 We  left  Robert  to  continue  his        a Herbal tea tasting along with a few Nibbles
                                                 play  session  in  the  pool  and          made  from  Herbs  so  I  am  sure  it  will  be
                                                 began to plough up and down in             different.    Who  knows  I  might  find  a  herbal
       our  quest to swim  73  lengths  and  complete our  mile in our  100 .lido.   Avoiding   sleep remedy which works?
       swimmers  was  not  a  huge  problem;  it  was  the  rubber  floats  particularly  at  the
       shallow end that was the real challenge. Pic 178                                     I hope to see you there
                                                                                                                        Susan Stone

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