Page 46 - br-may-2022
P. 46

Mayl 2022                             May 2022
 –  Check  whether  your  puppy  has  been  vaccinated  and  has  been  socialised
 before you take them home   DORSET TRADING STANDARDS
 – Buying from an unlicensed breeder could mean that your puppy may not have   Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and
 the  right  medical records and could  have hereditary  health  issues  which could
 lead to heavy vet bills in the future.   approve businesses so you don’t have to.
        For more information visit or
 If  you  suspect  dogs  are  being  bred  illegally  then  please  report  it  to  Trading   call 08454 040506.
 Standards by calling the Citizens Advice consumer helpline on 0808 223 1133.    To report or seek advice about problems you have

        experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.

       Dorset  Council  has  become  a  driving  force  for  the  prevention  of  illegal  puppy
 SHAFTESBURY OASIS SWIMMING POOL   breeding  across  the  county.  Asking  people  across  Dorset  to  ‘Stop  and  Think’
       before buying a puppy.

 “Hi  Dave,  have  you  been  waiting      Dorset  Council  Trading  Standards  and  Environmental  Health  Teams  are  working
 long?  I  enquired  as  I  met  my  old   together to raise awareness of the multi-million-pound puppy breeding trade that
 friend  at  the  entrance  to   is happening right under our noses.
 Shaftesbury  Oasis  Swimming  Pool.   Covid 19 has brought a significant increase in both the selling of illegal puppies
 The old team had reassembled to   and the cost of puppies. With more people working from home, dog ownership
 enjoy  the  delights  of  swimming  at   has  become  more  attractive  and  easier.  This  very  lucrative  market  means  that
 this North Dorset pool.  Robert, my   puppies  are  being  sold  from  unlicensed  breeders,  too  often  without  any
 eight  year  old  grandson  was  with   consideration of the welfare and environmental needs of the puppy.
 me and he was looking forward to
 his first  experience  of  swimming in      An  unlicensed  puppy  breeder  is  someone
 an outdoor pool. Pic 183              who does not have a dog breeding licence
                                       but who earns more than £1000 per year from
 Many  of  you  will  remember  that   selling puppies.
 Dave   Pratten   and   I   had
 completed a challenge to swim a       Dorset  Council  has  updated  its  website
 mile in every UK open air pool in 2007/08. We ended up swimming a mile in 99   facilities  to  allow  users  to  check  if  breeders
 separate  pools  and  went  back  to  Wiveliscombe  to  swim  that  twice  to  make  a   are  licensed,  to  report  unlicensed  breeders,
 100.  Since  then  Shaftesbury  Pool  has  been  brought  back  to  life  as  an  outdoor   and  tips  on  knowing  what  to  look  for  and
 pool by the town council: brilliant!   check when buying a puppy, including:
 I  can  find  no  record  as  to  when  the  pool  was  originally  built  but  feel  sure  that   – No puppy should be sold under the age of
 someone can enlighten me? What I do know is that it started off life as a lido but   8  weeks  and  the  puppy  should  be
 in  April 2006 planning permission was granted to erect a canopy over the pool.   microchipped
 This  was  completed  with  a  £50,000  grant  from ITV  West  Region  Big  Lottery  fund
 and for a few years it became an indoor pool.    – Always see the puppy with its mother
       – Never buy/collect a puppy from service stations, pubs, car parks or any public
 In 2012 the glass roof collapsed during a storm and the building fell into disrepair
 until it reopened again in 2015 as an outdoor pool. Last year it opened for a short   area, the puppy should be in the home of the breeder.
 summer holiday season but this year (2016) it will be operating from 28 .May to   –  If  your  puppy  is  advertised  with  a  ‘passport’  this  could  mean  they’ve  been
 18 .September.   imported
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