Page 54 - br-may-2022
P. 54

Mayl 2022                             May 2022

 BERE REGIS WI   things. We proved that spinning an egg in a sock does not turn the yolk and white
       inside  out  (don't  believe  everything  you  see  on  the  internet)!  We  have  a  few
       spaces  for  Scouts.  If  you  want  brilliant  all-round-stuff-they-don't-teach-you-at-
 Our WI National Federation is asking all members   school, then come along. Mondays 6:30pm or contact Neal on 07952 023882
 to do their bit in promoting Climate Change. We
 in  Bere  Regis  did  put  out  our  Green  Hearts  to      The Explorer Unit (14-
 "Show the Love" for our planet but they want us             18years)  have  been
 all to do what we can to help the environment               concentrating   on
 i.e.                                                        two  activities,  the
                                                             Duke  of  Edinburgh’s
    Make your home a haven for native plants and wildlife   Award Scheme and
    Respect and protect local habitats beyond your home.    the  Scouts’  Young
    Eat a sustainable diet   They  have  been  brushing  up  on  their  expedition  skills;  map  reading  and
    Remember the three Rs - reduce, reuse, recycle.   navigation,  lightweight  camping  and  cooking,  etc.  in  time  for  practice
    Save water.   expeditions  over  Easter.  Working  as  Young  Leaders  with  the  Beavers,  Cubs  and
    Be a nature friendly tourist   Scouts counts towards the Service Section of DoE and gives much needed help
       to the adult leaders. A presentation on the postponed Borneo Expedition in 2023
    Learn more about protecting nature - knowledge is power.   was given recently and the Expeditioners will begin preparations and fund-raising
 We  can  make  a  difference  and  be  proud  of  ourselves  especially  for  future   shortly, including the ever-popular Big Breakfasts! There are vacancies in the Unit –
 generations.   and on the Borneo Expedition. Contact Julien on 07710 944434

 Our March Meeting was a trip along the Jurassic Coast by boat from the safety of
 the Sports Club! Steve Belasco, an   Appeal for help
 Ambassador for the Jurassic Coast,
    gave  us  a  splendid  illustrated  talk   All  the  above  activities  cannot
 from  the  start  at  Old  Harry  Rock,   take   place   without   the
       dedication  and  enthusiasm  of
 Studland  until  we  reached  Lyme   our   voluntary   leaders   and
 R e g i s    a n d    S e a t o n .    T h e   helpers.  We  are  desperately
 photography was magnificent and   short  of  adult  helpers  at  all
 we learnt so much about the rock   levels  in  the  Group,  including
 formation  and  the  different   committee  members  for  our
 coloured chalks that stretch along   management  team.  Without
 the  Coast  line.  Weymouth  Bay  is   more adult help, some of these
 especially known for its white chalk   activities are in jeopardy.
 and its beautiful sea front. Portland
 Harbour  is  home  to  the  many  cruise  ships  that  call  in  from  time  to  time  which   If  you  are  interested  in  helping
 means  money  spent  in  Weymouth  by  tourists  is  a  great  boost  to  our  economy.   us to continue to provide this much-needed and popular youth provision in the
 Portland stone was used to build the large houses that are well known in London   local  community,  in  any  capacity,  could  you  contact  Phil  Ventham  on  01929
 and even in New York.   471215 or
 The photos of birds, dolphins and even goats were shown as all living along the
 coast and students from all over the world come to study this World Heritage site
 and search for fossils.
 Altogether a great evening's entertainment and it left us all wanting to go on a
 real trip to see this wonderful sight.

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