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Mayl 2022                                                                            May 2022

        BERE REGIS SCOUT GROUP                                                              JUBILEE NEWS

       With  the  long-awaited  arrival  of  lighter  evenings,
       the  somewhat  better  weather  and  the  lifting  of                                Start the Platinum Jubilee Weekend  -
       most  Covid  restrictions,  our  various  Sections  have                             Thursday 2nd June
       been  getting  out  and  about  and  enjoying  the
       exciting activities that were commonplace before                                     Begin  the  weekend  celebrations  at  The  Scout  Hut.
       Covid arrived.                                                                       Featuring  Adams  Axemen,  bring  the  family  for  a  Hog
                                                                                            Roast, and ice cream supper and a glass of something,
                        Our youngest section, the Beavers (5½ to 8 years), have had                                from  7.30  to  9.15pm.  Then  join  the  procession  to  light
                        an  exciting  term  working  on  their  World  Challenge                                   the Beacon on Souls Moor.
                        badge.    We  made  Chinese  Dragons  and  tried  out  Chinese
                        calligraphy for the Lunar New Year; and, crossing to a different                           A unique occasion to join the Nation at 9.45pm when
                        continent,  made  Kenyan  style  masks  and  tried  out  African                           all  the  Beacons  are  lit  to  celebrate  the  reign  of  the
                        drumming.  The badge also asks us to do traditional activities                             longest serving Monarch in history, Queen Elizabeth II
                        associated  with  our  own  culture,  so  we  made  and  raced
                        pancakes  (and  ate  them  -  with  chocolate  spread!)  and  did
                        some  Dorset  Knob  throwing.  We  have  also  been  making                                Duck Race, BBQ and Bar  - Friday 3rd
                        explosions and lava lamps for the Experiment badge; learning                               June
                        about Braille and British Sign Language for Disability Awareness                           The  Scouts  are  organizing  a  traditional  Duck  Race  in
                        badge;  and  learning  about  our  solar  system  for  the  Space                          the  stream  from 6.00pm  on  Friday  3rd  June.  There  will
                        badge.                                                                                     be a BBQ and Bar.
       Our Beaver Colony is full at present, but if you are interested in joining us, please
       get in touch with Turtle / Liz Teather 01929 471216.
                                                                                            Wildlife Walks  -  Thursday and Friday
       The  Cub  Pack  (8  to 10)  have also been  working  towards  their  World  Challenge
       badge  cooking  authentic  Indian  dishes  using  recipes  produced  by  one  of  the   Dorset  Wildlife  Trust  are  planning  to  organise  walks  around  the  new  Wild
       Leaders  who  has  spent  time in India. Chinese  New  Year  was  celebrated  with  a   Woodbury site at the former Court Farm.  These will take place on both Thursday
       Chinese cooking session. The Cubs also had a baking session to help  Louisa and      2nd and Friday 3rd June at 10.30am for a 90 minute walk for those who are used
       Meadow who organised a cake sale at the local school for Ukrainian refugees. In      to walking and at 1.30pm for a shorter walk which would be suitable for those with
       between  time,  they  have  managed  a  night  hike  over  Blackhill  and  carried  out   mobility issues.
       some litter picking around the village. Never a dull moment in the Cub Pack! For
       vacancies in the Cub Pack, contact Emma on 01929 471273
                                                                                            Parish Street Party  -  Saturday 4th June
       Since the last instalment the Scout Section (11-14yrs) have been making a lot of
       noise  and  having  a  lot  of  fun.  Chasing                                        West Street traffic will be traffic free and decorated with bunting from 3pm for you
       around  in  the  woods  in  the  dark  is  always                                    to enjoy setting out tables and chairs for your picnic.* One long line of tea tables
       high on the list of random activities, but we                                        to share the afternoon with the family that is Bere Regis.
       added  some  structure  too  with  a  brilliant                                      Music to listen to, music to dance to, make a Jubilee Hat and join a Parade have
       Skittles  Championship  at  the  Royal  Oak  (it                                     your face painted…….
       was loud and there were chips) and a very
       messy  Scout-Science  session  where  we                                             Most of all join the best community get together.
       made  ice-ream  (yum),  volcanoes,  ooblek                                           *An application to close West Street from The Royal Oak to the Manor Farm Road
       (look  it  up),  Magnus-effect  aircraft  (look                                      turning  is  being  submitted.  All  residents  and  businesses  directly  affected  have
       that up too),  and,  of  course, setting fire  to

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