Page 62 - br-may-2021
P. 62

May 2021                                                                             May 2021

       What is Poetry?                     Poetry is choosing words with care               DORSET COUNCIL- WEST PURBECK REPORT
                                           To explain our innermost feeling
       Poetry is simply a message          Hoping to please the listening ear               Summer Visitors
       A message that comes from your heart   That the picture they paint is appealing.
       An expression of inner happiness                                                     Dorset Council is part of a multi-agency
       A delight to share and impart.      A marriage of ideas and phrases                  group  of  partners  including  Dorset
                                           Where visions and beauty are planned             Police,  Dorset  &  Wiltshire  Fire  and
       A statement of gratitude to life    Where mankind lives in harmony                   Rescue  Service,  Dorset  health  partners
                                                                                            and  BCP  Council,  working  together  to
       For all her bounteous treasure      And love and peace walk hand in                  tackle  some  of  the  more  undesirable
       For flowers that colour our summer   hand.                                           experiences from last year.
       And bird song, a joy beyond measure.                     Eileen Richardson           Dorset  attracts  around  3.6  million
                                                                                            overnight  visits  and  26.4  million  day-
                                                                                            visitors annually. In  June last year  travel restrictions had  been  relaxed but  hotels,
                                                                                            campsites  and  public  toilets  remained  closed  due  to  Covid-19.  Dorset’s  most
       Dutch Waterscape                                                                     popular  destinations  became  overcrowded  and  experienced  problems  with
                                            What lovely view to delight our eyes?’          littering, illegal parking and outdoor toileting. Summer 2021 is likely to be very busy
                                                                                            again,  with  ‘stay-cationers’  looking  for  a  coastal  retreat  but  possibly  unable  to
       Not a sound to break the silence                                                     travel  abroad  until  later  in  the  season.  Hotspots  last  summer  included  West  Bay,
       Not a distant bell to chime          ‘Would there be a graceful windmill?            West Bexington, Weymouth, Lulworth and Swanage.
       The whole world seemed so peaceful   A lifting bridge or a lock?
       The only thing to move was time.     A church to remind us time was passing          DORSET has been awarded more than £816,000 as part of a government initiative
                                            With the slowly moving hands on the             to help towns reopen as restrictions ease. The money, announced by Communities
       All the days were warm and sunny     clock?’                                         Secretary Robert Jenrick, comes from the government’s wider £56 million Welcome
                                                                                            Back  Fund  scheme.  BCP  Council  has  been  awarded  more  than  £416,000  and
       The nights silky smooth like balm                                                    Dorset Council more than £400,000.
       The water in the canals like a millpond   As we slowly floated past the reed
       Like a sea that was forever calm.    beds                                                                                          Using   this   Government
                                            A glimpse of grebe with chicks at play                                                        funding,  the  Council  will
       The scene that passed was ever       Moorhens and ducks on their floating                                                          employ    more    parking
       changing                             nests                                                                                         wardens,  put  in  place  more
       At every bend there was something    The heron, a fisherman waiting for his                                                        waste  bins  and  collections,
       new                                  prey.                                                                                         improved signage to warn of
       Picturesque houses, small and grand                                                                                                dangers  of  disposable  BBQs
                                                                                                                                          and  they  are  considering  a
       Our eyes were enchanted by each      They say in Holland that God made the                                                         possible   ban   on   beach
       view.                                world                                                                                         camping   at   some   sites,
                                            But the Dutch created their own land                                                          where there are currently no
       We wondered ‘What’s hiding round     But I wonder if they made it together?                                                        restrictions.  However,  this  will
       the corner?                          If by Man and nature this scene was                                                           not stop any determined law
       Round the bend what scenic beauty    planned?                                                                                      breakers,   so   we   have
       lies?                                                                                                                              requested  that  the  police
       What picture will nature have                            Eileen Richardson           adopt a greater and more high profile role in responding to incidents.

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