Page 59 - br-may-2021
P. 59

May 2021                              May 2021

 cannot be collected for fear of contaminating the whole lorry load. Instead they   We were soon being asked to take to
 are  collected  as  rubbish  and  sent  for  treatment,  at  a  greater  expense  to  the   the water and form a line just in front
 council and the taxpayer. Dorset Council hopes that not only will the campaign   of  the  slipway.  Once  in  the  water  it
 raise  awareness  of  the  problem  of  putting  nappies  in  recycling  bins,  it  will   became clear that the tide would be
 encourage people to choose to start using reusable nappies which are better for   running  fairly  strongly  against  us  for
 the  environment  and  save  money  for  both  parents  and  the  council.  The   the  first  part  of  the  swim.  However,
 campaign  will  be  appearing  on  billboards  around  the  country.  In  Dorset,  the   there  was  much  jollity  amongst  the
 campaign will mainly be supported by social media posts and advertising.    swimmers  as  we  prepared  for  the
       start, and then we were off!

       Arms flailing, leg kick full tilt, it is always
 Tenants protected from unsafe accommodation   the same in these races whether it is a
       mile or ten miles, everyone goes for it
 Officers were called to a converted stable block which was being used for rented   at  the  start.  I  tried  to  settle  into  a
 accommodation  by  a couple and  their two young  children;  they  found  unsafe   steady rhythm and lengthened my arm stroke whilst finding some clear water and
 living conditions including disrepair to flooring and bathroom fittings. The landlord   staying close to shore.
 had no gas safety certificate or Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). The owner
 was required to carry out repairs and a legal notice was served to ensure an EPC   The swim is anti clockwise around the island so for me breathing mainly left sided,
 was obtained. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) were contacted and they   it was great! The trouble is that if you stay too close to the coastline, you tend to
 required  the  gas  certificate  to  be  obtained.  Upon  inspection  by  a  Gas  Safe   get  caught  up  in  the  rocks  and  snag  your  hands,  knees  or  feet  on  the  hidden
 engineer, the gas boiler was found to be dangerous and was condemned. A new   rocks beneath the surface.
 gas  boiler  was  installed.  The  family  were  moved  into  safe  accommodation  via
 Housing  Services and  the landlord has  since ceased using  the  accommodation   The island is a mile round and because of the tidal flow, difficult to pick a line to
 for rent.   make maximum use of it. The safety paddlers were on call as we made our way
       to the western edge then making our turn to swim on the far side of the island.
       Here, there was a fairly heavy swell and the sea was being whipped up and few

       white seahorses began to appear.
 A direct message from the Police concerning violence against
 women   I  love  swimming in rough  water  and  so  enjoyed  the  sea  crashing  around  me. I
       found myself in the company of a couple of other swimmers and swam with them
 Recently many people in our communities have felt the need to speak out about   for  a  while.    One  of  the  joys  of  open  water  swimming  is  being  with  others  and
 their experiences and fears of violence, abuse, or harassment in this country. We   pitting yourself against the elements.
 acknowledge  that  this  is  a  very  real  and  concerning  problem  in  our  own   At last I could see the hotel astride the cliff tops. Not much further now. The swim
 communities in Dorset and recognise that people are worried. We would like to   had  been more challenging  than I  had imagined  given  the prevailing  weather
 reassure  everyone  that  we  understand  your  concerns  and  we  are  listening  to   conditions  but  as  I  turned  the  last  corner,  the  slipway  and  the  finish  came  into
 them.  It  is  completely  unacceptable  for  women  of  any  age  to  feel  unsafe   view.
 whether  they  are  at  home,  on  the  streets,  in  school  or  at  work.
                                            My  number  was  checked  as  I  came
 This  is  a  problem  that  directly  affects  half  of  our  communities  and  we  need  to   out  the  water  and  I  was  offered  a
 ensure women and all in our communities feel safe. It is paramount that we as a   traditional  tot  of  rum  as  the  island’s
 police  service  are  part  of  the  solution,  stand  alongside  women  and  girls  in  our   own  “merman”  (a  chap  in  drag!)
 communities  and  bring  about  real  change  that  will  benefit  generations  to   looked  on.  There  were  only  around  10
 come. Dorset Police remains absolutely committed to protecting everyone from   swimmers  on  the  slipway  and  Diana
 violence  and  society  must  play  their  part  in  stopping  this.  We  take  reports  of   told  me  later  that  I  came  around
 violence, harassment, and assault very seriously. We will investigate these reports   11/12 . I guess this was not bad for an
 and  do  everything  we  can,  working  with  partners  across  the  criminal  justice   old  boy  old  enough  to  be  the
                                            grandfather of some of the swimmers.

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