Page 58 - br-may-2021
P. 58

May 2021                                                                             May 2021
       We  settled  on  a  bench  by  the  Pilchard  Inn  to  survey  the  scene.  The  tide  was   system, to bring offenders to justice. We will continue to work with those people
       already  beginning  to  rise  and  I  soon  realized  that  other  swimmers  were  on  the   affected to better understand the impact on them and how we can improve our
       island, preparing for the race. The barbecue was already being set out and there    response.  As  always,  we  encourage  anyone  who  has  been  the  victim  of  rape,
       was a general flurry of activity.                                                   sexual assault, abuse or harassment to have the confidence to report it to us. We
       The time had come for registration as we lined up to be ticked off and have our     are here for you.
       hand  numbered  with  a  marker  pen.  I  was  number  one  so  that  was  easy  to
       remember!    Sally  and  her  fellow  organisers  were  greeting  the  swimmers  in  a   South Walks House Dorchester
       friendly welcoming way. It all seemed so informal.
                                                                                           Dorset  Council  is  considering  that
       We were soon joined by Scott and his family from Lewes who were holidaying on       its  headquarters  in  South  Walks
       Dartmoor and were down for the day hoping to get a last  minute place in the        H o u s e ,    D o r c h e s t e r ,    b e
       race. He was told to come back at 5.30 when he may be allocated a place in
       the swim.                                                                           pe r man e n tl y   c los e d    an d
                                                                                           transformed for other use, possibly
       Time moved on and more and more swimmers joined us. The seawater was now            residential.  The  Dorchester  offices
       flowing over the sandbar and the last of the competitors were wading out from       have  been  closed  since  the  start
       the mainland.                                                                       of  lockdown  last  year  and  even
                                                                                           with an easing of restrictions Dorset
       I was in the experts’ race which was a little surprising as I have never considered   Council has said it will continue to
       myself an expert at anything. There were fifty of us experts on the day and there   have many of its staff working from
       was also an amateur race with a similar number of swimmers.                         home,  at  least  part-time.  The
       Most of the swimmers wore wetsuits                                                  council  has  proposed  the  library
       and  I  felt  obliged  to  join  them  as  I                                        and learning centre, attached to the west end of the building, will remain open,
       am much quicker swimming in one.                                                    with a new customer access point within it.
       The value of a wetsuit is not just that                                             There  is  little  demand  in  Dorchester  for  anything  like  the  amount  of  office
       it  keeps  you  relatively  warm  and                                               accommodation available in South Walks House, either for permanent or shared
       your body more efficient, but it also                                               use. In the next few months as business returns to normal we anticipate we will find
       adds  buoyancy  and  keeps                                                          more and more office space becoming available as it is left by businesses failing
       everything  including  legs  to  the                                                or deciding to work more remotely.
       surface.  A  decent  kick  is  not
       required  to  maintain  a  good                                                     We are proposing that employees be moved to County Hall, Coalition Park, and
       streamlined  body  position  and  the                                               plan to invest £2.1m into a range of energy saving measures there. Clearly there
       arm  stroke  is  king.  The  downside  is                                           remain considerable savings to be made as a result of the abolition of five District
       that for a true open water swimmer,                                                 Councils and a full study of all the office accommodation in the whole of Dorset is
       you do feel a little like a trussed up                                              now underway
       chicken encased in rubber.
       The 6 pm start was soon approaching and Scott had his participation in the race                                         Project Gigabit - next steps in
       confirmed and it turned out that he was an expert also!                                                                 connecting  the  nation  to  fast,
       We  were  then  called  to  the  safety  briefing  which  consisted  of  a  few  dos  and                               reliable broadband
       don’ts.  Apart from obeying the safety crew at all times, there were a few other
       instructions  like  no  fins.  Now  I  wonder  where  that  came  from.  The  other  no-go                               We are very pleased to be one of only
       territory  was  not  to cut  one  of  the corners  of the island  by  swimming  through  a                              six areas in the UK to benefit from the first
       rocky inlet. What some people will do to win is beyond me!                                                              tranche  of  the  government’s  £5bn
                                                                                                                               Project  Gigabit  .  This  will  bring  ultra-
                                                                                                                               fast  broadband  to  some  of  the  most

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