Page 57 - br-may-2020
P. 57

May 2020                              May 2020

       for special occasions. This is just as well as a large section of the wall on one side of
       the carriage room has to be removed in order to get the enormous coach out.
       The Queen used the Gold State Coach for her coronation on 2 June 1953. It was
       last  used  on  4  June  2002  as  part  of  the  Queen’s  Golden  Jubilee  celebrations.  I
       have to say it was just stunning and I was so glad that we had visited the Mews to
       see this up close, it was just mesmerizingly beautiful.
       As, we walked outside the gates of the Mews, the queue for the Garden Party had
       started,  so  many  people  in  a  never  ending  line.  When  we  got  to  the  front  of
       Buckingham Palace and thought we were nearly there, the queue then took on
       an  X  Factor  type  of  format  and  you  snaked  up  and  down,  up  and  down  until
       eventually we got to the gates and after the Police check, we were In.
       I was pleased we had come in the main Palace gates as there are other gates
       that can be used but this took us straight through Buckingham Palace up the red
       carpet staircase, we were able to see the Queen’s China collection, everything
       was so palatial, golden and grand, then out onto the terrace.

       It  was  a  few  minutes  to  four  and  the  Royals  were  about  to  make  their  Grand
       Entrance following the same steps as we did.  The Military Band started to play the
       National Anthem and I felt a wash of patriotic pride, who will it be I wondered?
       You never know who will be hosting at the Garden Party as Her Majesty is doing
       much less now, but I still hoped that on this date it would be her.
       Here they are…. Prince of Wales, Duchess of Cornwall and the Princess Royal.

       These three senior Royals, although not The Queen herself, are all incredibly hard
       working, so it wasn’t the Queen but it was fine. We soon soaked up the ambience
       of being at Buckingham Palace. We walked around the gardens, passed by the
       author Julian Fellows, Lord Fellows to be precise, who wrote Downton Abbey.  He
       touched his top hat and I smiled, mainly because of the irony of it all  - we were
       definitely both more comfortable in wellington boots  planting  our spuds.
       The food, which let’s face it, is a pretty important part of all of this, was served to
       the guests in a big long tent. There was also the Royal Tea Tent in which all the
       distinguished guests were served. We had, as you can probably well imagine, the

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