Page 62 - br-may-2020
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May 2020                                                                             May 2020

        carer  and  friend  with  a  charity  called  Revitalise.  This  national  charity  provides   village  to  re  visit  the  house
        short breaks and respite care for disabled people and their carers. Jordi spent a   where he was brought up. I
        residential  week  playing  a  vital  role  supporting  the  guests  and  providing   was  intrigued  to  find  that
        companionship and practical help to them on activities and excursions.  A  very    now,  exactly  100  years
        big Kingsbere congratulations to Jordi – very well deserved!                       ago,  he  had  left  his  mark
                                                                                           carved  into  one  of  the
        We were planning a Silver DofE assessed expedition in the Easter holidays in West   Beech trees on the hill, ‘VL
        Dorset  and  Bronze/Silver  expeditions  during  the  summer  months  but  for  the   17.11.20’  shown  here.  The
        moment these have all been put on hold. The teams have prepared routes and         initials are VL and I was told
        food lists so as when the restrictions are lifted, the Explorers will be back out in the   that  as  a  boy  he  was
        countryside continuing their hiking and camping adventures.                        called   Victor   but   he
                                                                                           changed  to  his  second

                                                                                           name,  William  when  he
        Borneo Expedition 2021
                                                                                           grew up.
        Members  of  the  Explorer  Unit  are  planning  their  next  big                  We hope to include his entertaining descriptions of his experiences as a youngster
        expedition  to  Borneo  in  the  summer  of  2021.  The  Borneo                    in the village. Some are about his family whilst others are entertaining descriptions
        fundraising team have already been busy with events to raise                       of village life.  On the following pages we have the first two headings of his early
        money  and  will  organise  more  once  the  current  situation                    reminisces.
                                                                                                                                                         Tony Bates
        In  late  February,  as  part  of  an  environmental  project  for  the
        Borneo Scouts and Explorers team, a new native hedge was planted at the edge
        of the Scout Hut car park. The saplings were obtained by Phil from the Woodland
        Trust.                                                                                            VILLAGE WEBSITE

        If  you’re  aged  between  14-18  years  old  and  you  would  like  to  have  fun,  meet
        new  friends,  experience  new  indoor  and  outdoor  activities,  learn  skills  for  life,   Rodney  Osmond  is  doing  a  fabulous  job  in  keeping  the  village  website  up  to
        discover  new  places,  cultures  and  communities,  our  Explorer  Scouts  normally   date with all the latest information about village services and support during the
        meet on a Tuesday evening at 7pm (at the Scout Hut or at an activity location).    coronavirus situation.  Go to and click on the button
        Several  of  our  Leader  team  are  trained  DofE  Supervisors  and  Assessors  to  Gold
        award  level  so  you  can  participate  in  the  DofE  scheme  and  Queen’s  Scout
        award alongside our regular programme. For more details and information please
        email Helen on

                               Scout News
                               We managed to get into the great outdoors at our last
                               meeting  before  we  had  to  close  the  doors  of  the
                               Scout hut for a few weeks.  Scouts were learning about
                               the moon and used different sized balls to show why
                               we could only see part of the moon at that time.  They
                               also  played  some  games  in  the  dark  and  we  were
                               looking  forward  to  the  clocks  changing  so  that  next
                               time we were outside it would be a lot lighter.
                               Camping is a huge part of what the Scouts get up to

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