Page 60 - br-may-2020
P. 60

May 2020                                                                             May 2020


       Group News
       During  the  current  lockdown  period  the  Scout
       Group  sections  are  not  holding  actual  face  to
       face  meetings  but  we  are  all  keeping  on  touch
       with  meetings  online  and  setting  challenges  for
       the young people.
       Once we are allowed to get back to our usual weekly meetings we will need lots
       more volunteers as some of our current leaders are moving on to other things or
       taking some time out for various personal reasons.  There are lots of areas you can
       help with – we have weekly commitments like attending a meeting to the one off
       help like making a cake for an event.  Please do see if you have a space in your
       busy lives to volunteer – current roles that we need help with are adults to help -
       secretary  for  the  Executive  Committee  –  this  is  attending  a  meeting  every  6/8
       weeks  and  taking  notes,  or  someone  to  help  with  our  publicity  to  prepare  this
       report every month?  Please get in touch with Neal for a chat about how you can
       help.  Many thanks.

       Explorer News
       Shrove  Tuesday  and
       making  pancakes  has
       always been a popular
       event  for  the  Explorers
       and this year they were
       all   challenged   to
       create some interesting
       pancake    ‘art’.   We
       witnessed  some  very
       abstract  works  of  art,
       plus  a  fair  amount  of
       burnt  offerings,  along
       with  quite  a  bit  a
       smoke. It was also a good opportunity to combine this night with our termly fire
       When our Explorers turn 18, we always like to have a bit of a celebration for them.
       Will  Rogers  chose  to  have  a  movie  night  at  the  beginning  of  March  for  his
       significant  birthday.  It  was  enjoyed  by  all  who  attended  -  chilling  out  on  their
       beanbags and pillows, eating lots of popcorn and birthday cake together.
       Emma and our wonderful Network Scouts led a teamwork evening in mid March,

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