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May 2019                              May 2019


                           with TURNERSPUDDLE
       Our Vision:                                              Our Mission:
 2019   To make Christ’s love                  To encourage awareness of the
       known in the world today               presence of God through worship
       and to live out his teaching                         music and the arts;
 15th  PiP: Children in Need, Lower Hall   10.00-12.00

                                                 To encourage everyone in the
 20th  WI: Christmas Craft
                                               Christian faith through example,
                                                  learning and spiritual growth;
                                               To make our churches open and
 3rd   GC: Charles Darwin and his famous plants, Caradoc Doy   7.30pm   welcoming to all, and supportive of
                                                                those in need;

    FG: Christmas Lunch                     To challenge injustice at home and
                                           abroad and to balance our care for
 11th  AL: Christmas Afternoon Entertainment and Singing      the environment.

 12th  Pop in Performers Christmas Show

 13th  Pop in Performers Christmas Show      A LETTER FROM YOUR RECTOR

 14th  Pop in Performers Christmas Show      Moving Forward
       In  previous  articles  for  the  parish  magazine  I  was  privileged  to  be  able  to
 16th  Pop in Place Community Christmas Party   12.00 -4.00
       introduce  myself,  to  explain  the  process  of  the  joining  together  of  the  three
       parishes as we were waiting for Bishop Karen to inaugurate the Benefice of West
 19th  WI: Christmas Festivities      Purbeck and I also looked at some of the teething problems that a new benefice
       can  encounter  when it initially  gets  going.  This  month,  as  things  are  progressing
       and questions naturally arise, I’d like to take the opportunity to keep you up to
       date with where we are at and to clarify some of the things that pertain to the
       structures of our benefice; a sub-title for this article would be ‘B is for Benefice’
       It has been a very busy few months in church life with significant changes having
       taken place; namely the Benefice of West Purbeck has come into being and, as
       you know, I am the first incumbent of the benefice. So, the first thing to say about
       this is that because I am licensed as the incumbent we are not in vacancy, even
       though the plan is (see below) to appoint a new, additional, priest colleague later
       in the year. You may be familiar perhaps with the term ‘interregnum’ but this isn’t
       used any longer. The correct term now, if it applies, and in our case it doesn’t, is

           Church website:  www.bereregiswith

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