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May 2019                                                                             May 2019
       ‘vacancy.’  In  simple  terms  what  this  means  is  that  I,  with  the  Church  Wardens,
       have responsibility to ensure that things are in place for the orderly management     DATES FOR
       of  the  parishes  and  church  life  therein  across  the  whole  benefice.  My  clergy
       colleagues in our team are all Associate Priests, in one case with P t O (Permission         YOUR DIARY
       to Officiate) and we are also blessed to have four LLMs in the team to  minister
       across the benefice with us. When the new priest is appointed he or she will also
       be an Associate Priest in the Benefice of West Purbeck and will minister across the   2019
       benefice  with  the  rest  of  the  team.  As  it  stands  at  the  moment,  the  plan  is  to
       advertise for the post of Associate Priest in May and, God willing, to appoint for   11th  AL: Rob Curtis, Dorset Curiosities
       September. The Associate Priest will have pastoral responsibility for Bere Regis and
       Affpuddle but will also be a team player, working with colleagues cross benefice.
       The  patterns  of  things,  including  mission  and  worship,  will  be  planned  cross   18th  WI: Local Artist
       benefice.  In  this  way,  although  we  will  each  have  areas  of  responsibility  and
       because of geography and location of housing some of us will be looked to more      14th  PiP: Bere Regis Alzheimer’s Memory Walk                10.00
       locally than others, no parish will really have their own ‘vicar’ (in fact there aren’t
       any vicars amongst us, simply a rector and associate priests) but rather a whole    27th  PiP: MacMillan Coffee Morning                          10.00-12.00
       Ministry Team.
       Because we are not in vacancy we have to cover everything ourselves.  Whereas
       in  a  vacancy  the  fees  for  retaining  the  services  of  visiting  clergy  may  be
       reclaimed  from  the  diocese,  we  cannot  do  so.  As  we  know,  thankfully  and   1st   GC: Harvest Supper
       joyfully, Rev. Jenny  Alidina became a member of the team when the benefice
       was  inaugurated  which  means  that  we  can  cover  more  Services  ourselves.    8th   FG: R Thompson, Up the Garden Path
       However, as our Associate Priest Rev. Jenny is with us in the benefice for 2 Sundays
       each month this means that there may be some gaps for Services to fill until our    9th   AL: Tony Bates, Stunning Wildlife Photography
       new colleague is appointed. With this is mind the Ministry Team have drawn up a
       pattern of Services across the benefice that we deem to be manageable in the
       interim period. In recognition of the fact that we are a member of clergy ‘short,’   12th  PiP: Presentation Evening with Shaun Marx             7.30
       we have managed to negotiate with the diocesan authorities to pay for cover for
       2 Services per month across the benefice, to be deployed as determined by me,       13th  Havest Lunch  -  Briantspuddle Village Hall            12.30
       until our new colleague is with us. In the meantime, if there are any other Services
       that we cannot cover, for example if two of us are on leave at the same time,       16th  WI: The Watercress Company
       which may happen this year as most leave was booked before the benefice was
       established, we have to find people to cover and we pay any fees that may be        25th  Purbeck Film Festival at Briantspuddle Village Hall    7.00-7.30
       incurred. The aim is, of course, to keep this to an absolute minimum but it will be
       necessary sometimes before our new colleague is in post.
       In  considering  the  Services  pattern  of  the  benefice  and  what  is  practically
       manageable  for  the  Ministry  Team,  even  with  some  cover,  we  have  noted  the   2nd   Affpuddle Church  -  Gift Day
       legal  requirement  that  there  should  be  at  least  one  Eucharistic  service  in  a
       benefice on any Sunday and we have endeavoured to treat each parish fairly.
       On  a  very  positive  note,  all  of  our  parishes  will  have  at  least  one  Service  each   5th   GC: Roaming Free  -  New Forest Ponies, Suzanne Kemp   7.30
       Sunday, although there may be an amendment to Service times, and there is a
       Eucharist in at least one of the churches each Sunday.  All three parishes will have   12th  FG: Mr Nicky Heal, Christmas at Home
       three Sundays per month with 10am Services,  one Sunday each month with an
       8am service and each church will have one non-eucharistic Service per month.        13th  AL: Glo Curtis, Advice for All Citizens
       On  fifth  Sundays,  as  they  occur,  we  will  hold  one  joint  Benefice  Family

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