Page 4 - br-may2019
P. 4

May 2019                                                                             May 2019
       CHURCH ROTAS                   Sidesmen                                               DATES FOR

                                      5       6.00pm        Mr Gibbs
                Readers                                                                             YOUR DIARY
                                      12 th   11.00am       Junior Church
                19 th                                                                      2019
                                      19      10.00am       Mr Smith/Mr Croom
                Gospel: Mr Smith
                                              Chalice       Mr Croom/Mrs Cox
                Epistle: Mrs Gibson                                                         Key: FG-Floral Group, AL-Autumn Leaves, TA– Twinning, WI-Women’s
                                              Intercessions   Mr Wharf                      Institute, PiP-Pop in Place, GC-Gardening Club

                                              6.00pm        Mr Gibbs
                                      26      10.00am       Mr House/Mr Bates                    May
                Gospel: Mrs Welton
                                              Chalice       Mr Smith/Mr Ward
                Epistle: Mr Croom                                                          3rd   PiP: AGM, Lower Hall                                    10.30
                                              Intercessions   Miss Chesney
                                                                                           7th   GC: Ultimate Garden Plants, Andrew Humphries            7.30
                                                                                           8th   AL: Howard Nichols, A Life on Rails

                                                                                           14th  FG: Julia Harrison, Melange

      Cleaning and Dusting
                                                                                           15th  WI: Burlesque
                     Cleaning             Dusting

       6th and 13th   Jenny Clifford and   Margaret Miller and Hazel                       21st   PiP: Village Quiz, Upper Hall                          7.30
                     Lesley Clarke        Green
       20th and 27th  Annie Nicholson and   Jean Gibbs and Cythia                          31st   and  1st/2nd June Flower Festival at Affpuddle Church
                     Diana Fairhurst      Burden


                                                                                           2nd   Briantspuddle Open Gardens

       Sanctuary Flower Guild
                                                                                           11th  FG: Amy Shakeshaft, TBA

                               5th/12th   Mrs Pitts and Mrs Standfield
                                                                                           12th  AL: Mary Graham, Dorset Villages
                               19th/26th   Mothers’ Union
                                                                                           19th  WI: Members’ Evening

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