Page 3 - br-may2019
P. 3

May 2019                              May 2019
       Communion Service in the different parishes on a rota basis. On the down side,
 DATES FOR    we have had to reduce the total number of Services on Sundays each month as

       follows:  Bere  Regis  x1  Service  and  Wool  x2  Services.  This  isn’t  necessarily
    YOUR DIARY    permanent but the following will be the pattern of Services across the benefice
       from May through to at least September.
                  1         2                      3         4         5
       Affpuddle  10am HC  10am Mattins            8am   HC  10am HC
 20th  Pop in Performers Summer Show   6.00
       Bere Regis  8am   HC  10am Junior  Church   10am HC  10am HC  10am FC
 21st   Pop in Performers Summer Show   7.00   6pm   ES    followed by 11am FS   6pm   ES
 22nd  Pop in Performers Summer Show   2.00
       Wool       10am HC  8am    HC               10am FS   8am   HC
 30th  Midsummer Bere Fest, Recreation Ground   2.00-8.00   10am  HC   6pm   HS
       HC Holy Communion       ES Evensong    FS Family Service    HS Healing Service

       In  going  forward  we  need  careful  planning  if  we  are  to  flourish  and  grow.  The
 2nd   GC: Pimms night and talk –Keeping Hens in the Garden   7.30
       very good news is that as a benefice we have become part of a ‘Thrive Learning
       Community.’  A  group  of  8  of  us  from  across  the  three  churches,  together  with
 9th   FG: Julie Jeans, Inspired by Artists      teams from two other benefices in this part of the diocese, have committed to a
       two year course that includes 4 x 2 day sessions of intensive training in Blandford
 10th  AL: Burlesque in Bere Regis by Lou-Lou-La-Belle      to  help  us  to  begin  to  work  collaboratively  on  things that  we  identify  as  needs
       within our churches and communities.  We met for the first 2 day session in March
       and have identified our ‘burning issue’ as the need for us to intentionally work at
 17th  WI:Dorset Wildlife      growing together and working together as partners in the Benefice. We’re very
       excited  at  this  work  and  I  look  forward  to  sharing  more  of  it  with  you  in  due
    August      course.  A  prayer  group  has  already  been  established  as  everything  must  be
       undergirded with prayer. The dates for this will be published and you are warmly
       invited to come along. In June we’ll be sending out a questionnaire asking about
 10th  Affpuddle Church Fete, Cruck Cottage, Briantspuddle   2.00-4.00   people’s hopes and dreams for the benefice, please look out for this and let us
       have your thoughts as this will shape the work of the church going forward. Later
       in the year we hope to feed the results of this back at a benefice away day; look
 14th  AL: Home Grown Entertainment
       out for the details and do sign up to come.
       God has many adventures planned for us, some of which we’ve dreamed about
       but much of which is as yet unrevealed. Please pray for the Ministry Team, for the
       Thrive Team and for the appointment of a new colleague to join us in the coming
 3rd   GC: Food for Free, Foraging for Wild Food, James Feaver   7.30   months.
       With every blessing
 10th  FG: Willow Workshop, Puddletown
       Rev Carol

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