Page 48 - br-mar-2022
P. 48

March 2022                                                                          March 2022

        DORSET TRADING STANDARDS                                                            Judy Newton is the primary contact for co-ordination of all activities and she can
                                                                                            be contacted on
        Dorset County Council Trading Standards Service check and
        approve businesses so you don’t have to.                                            Message from the Editor:  If you are planning something which hasn’t yet been
        For more information visit or                          mentioned, then don’t forget to let me know, so that I can include the details in
        call 08454 040506.                                                                  the April magazine. Contact information on the inside back cover.
        To report or seek advice about problems you have
        experienced when dealing with a trader call 08454 040506.

       Keep safe, register your appliance
       The  UK  trade  association  for  the  Manufacturers  of  Domestic  Electrical
       Appliances  (AMDEA)  is  asking  people  to  register  their  household  appliances  to
       keep  homes  safe.  Both  new  and  already  in  use  appliances  can  be  registered
       through the scheme. Product Registration allows people to be contacted more
       quickly in the event of their appliance being subject to a safety recall.
       Consumers  are  being  encouraged  to  register  new  and  in-use  household
       a p p l i a n c e s    w i t h    t h e    m a n u f a c t u r e r ,    o r    t h r o u g h    t h e
       Consumer research into product safety  found that  83% percent of people who
       registered  a  product  were  primarily  motivated  by  getting  or  extending  a
       warranty.  The  survey  also  found  the  reasons  respondents  did  not  register
       appliances was because they did not want to or did not believe it was necessary
       (46%), or because they did not know they could register it (17%).
                                                  The  Office  for  Product  Safety
       Household appliance picture                and  Standards  is  working  with
                                                  AMDEA     to   increase   the
                                                  registration   of   household
                                                  appli ances    by   advi si ng
                                                  consumers it will help make their
                                                  homes safer. They recommend:

                                                  Register  all  your  appliances.
                                                  Check  that  all  your  household
                                                  appliances are registered so you
                                                  will  know  if  they  have  been
                                                  recalled.  Many  manufacturers
       will  allow  you to register  household appliances  that  are up to twelve years  old.
       M o s t    h o u s e h o l d    p r o d u c t s    c a n    a l s o    b e    r e g i s t e r e d

       Check whether small appliances are registered.  Faulty toasters and kettles can
       cause  fires.  Register  with  the  manufacturer  to  get  recall  notices  before it  is  too

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