Page 43 - br-march-2020
P. 43

March 2020                            March 2020


       Southbrook, Bere Regis, BH20 7DB  01929 471334


                                   You will recall that we held a
                                   festive  sale  before  Christmas,
                                   led  by  our  year  3  and  4
                                   children. The sale was the culmination of a unit of
                                   work  about  money,  including  profits,  losses  and
                                   expenses.  The  children  loved  the  opportunity  to
                                   experience  this  first  hand,  and  we  are  very
                                   grateful to all who came along and supported us.
                                   A  small  profit  was  made  and,  after  much
                                   discussion   and   some   democratic   decision
                                   making,  the  class  decided  to  spend  half  of  that
                                   profit  on  treats  for  themselves  and  half  on
                                   donations to a foodbank. I attach the picture of
       what  we  were  able  to  donate.  I  was  very  proud  of  the  children  for  making  this
       decision, one that was very much self-led., and I must admit to having a tear in my
       eye as I placed what they had bought in the food bank box at the supermarket.

       We  are  now  half  way  through  our  spring  term
       and as busy as ever. As soon as the frost melts
       each  morning,  or  the  storm  clears,  we  take
       opportunities  to  have  the  children  learning
       outside.  Earlier  this  term,  our  year  3  and  4
       students studied the work of Andy Goldsworthy
       and  created  their  own  sculptures  outside,  as
       you can see pictured. The study was part of a
       bigger unit of work about our environments. The
       class  have  learned  about  different  global
       biomes  and  the  impact  climate  change  is
                                                      Art inspired by Andy Goldsworthy by Izzy
       having.  Soon,  they  will  learn  more  about  our
       local heathland and how we can be sure to protect it.
       In  our  year  5/6  class,  the  children  have  been  learning  about  the  history  of  Bere
       Regis. Our curriculum has been ably supported by Alison Bennett and the Pop In
       Place, where students visited experts in all manner of Bere Regis history. As well as
       that,  they  visited  the  church,  where  George  Ward  provided  an  excellent insight
       into the building and its functions as a place of worship. We are ever so grateful.
       In years 1 and 2, the children will soon be following in their peers’ footsteps, as they
       also embark on a study of Bere Regis. Children will collaborate towards the end of

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