Page 44 - br-march-2020
P. 44

March 2020                                                                          March 2020

       term to share what they have learned. Our youngest children have been learning      Pop In Performers Group
       about  winter  and,  latterly,  food  and  healthy  eating.  Lucky  parents  were  even
       invited in to enjoy a meal cooked by reception children, which smelt delicious!     The group has started back after the Christmas break  and is working on our new
                                                                                           summer  show  “  Degrease  “this  should  be  a  lot  of  fun  and  we  will  be  providing
       In  our  pre-school,  children  have  also  been  learning  about  the  various  types  of
       winter  weather:  snow,  ice,  rain  and  hail  have  all  featured.  They  eagerly  await   some new dance opportunities within the rehearsals of this show learning rock and
       warming up and learning all about pancakes when Pancake Day comes around.           roll and jive.

       As  ever,  if  you  feel  able  to  support  us,  perhaps  by  coming  in  to  talk  about
       something you have knowledge of, or leading the learning of a craft, please let     Pop In Place community Café
       us know. Next term, we will be learning about our bodies, kings and queens and
       the Shang Dynasty. Please get in touch if you think you might be able to support    There is a warm welcome for all at the Pop In Place Community Café we operate
                                                                                           the café’s on Monday and Friday mornings 10am until 12 noon. On the Friday we
       us and would like to know more.
                                                                                           have Bere Regis Watercress at 50p a bunch when in season. There is a pound shop
                                                 Kay Gibbs, Deputy Head Teacher            set up in the foyer.  If you live within the Parish and would you like transport to the
                                                                                           Pop In Place Telephone Alison 472023 who will arrange it for you.

       And just a note from your Editor ...                                                Community Shed Project Update
       I had the pleasure of participating in an ‘Art Day’ for                             The process of becoming a CIO is progressing well  and we are still making  all the
       YR  1  &  2  last  month  and  what  a  delightful                                  right steps forward, and nearer to being able to sign the tenancy I am hopeful that
       experience it was.  I’d been asked to prepare a full                                the Shed will be a reality in the very near future.
       day session on the subject of William Morris so went
       along  armed  with  print  equipment,  ‘wallpaper’,
       wood blocks and stencils.  What I hadn’t bargained                                  Please  Check  out  Pop In  Place  Website  Thanks  to  Rod  Osmond
       for  was  the  fact  that  these  young  people  had  a                             who has updated our website and it is looking great check it out
       brilliant knowledge of the subject already and were
       quick  to  advise  me  that  Morris  “was  inspired  by
       nature” and “used symmetry and pattern” to create                                   Events
       his designs!  They were even able to tell me when he                                                             th
       was born and died.                                                                        Pop In Place AGM Friday 24  April 10.30 details on the top of this article
                                                                                                Easter Bonnett workshop at the Pop In Place  Friday 3  April
       The ability of the children is exceptional, with many offering to read out the slides I
       had  prepared    -  they  were  not  at  all  fazed  by  such  words  as  architecture,   come on in and make your bonnets, bring a hat if you can and anything you have
       industrial  revolution  and  designer.      I’m  sure  when  I  was  that  age  I  could  just   at home we can help with some craft items
       about manage ‘the cat sat on the mat’!
                                                                                                Good Friday Easter Fun Morning 10  April starts at 10am
       Jill Marsden and I have also been running a weekly Art Club at the school and we
       have  been  very  impressed  by  the  imagination  and  creativity  of  all  the         Our first big community Event is the Easter Morning on Good Friday please
       participants.  Whilst our commitment for the rest of this school year will be down        put that in your diary there will be two Easter bonnet competitions one for
       to once a month, we get a huge amount of satisfaction from seeing skills develop          adults  and  one  for  children.  The  JC  Puppet  Theatre  will  be  there  also  the
       and confidence grow.                                                                      Pop  In  Performers  will  be  singing.  Lots  of  hot  cross  buns  and  a  Amazing
                                                                                                 Easter Egg Raffle Easter eggs are wanted for this and your kind donations
       The school are always on the lookout for members of the village community who             will be appreciated.
       can volunteer support in this way. It is hugely appreciated and with all the talent
       which abounds; with our quilters, floral arrangers, carpenters, gardeners, twinners                                       Alison Bennett  Telephone  01929 472023
       and so on,  do give some thought to the possibility of helping out.   They would
       love to hear from you.

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